Chapter 23

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Hi All,

So I haven't checked this chapter properly, so let me know if you spot anything out.

 I swopped a lot between Snow and Hunter's POV to get a better idea of what was Happening.

Enjoy ;)





“Have you been waiting all this time just to say that? You are so lame.”

“Watch your fucking mouth girl, your mate isn’t here to save you this time.”

Then smoke started poring into the room, making me cough,

“You cowards. Fight me you pricks.” I shouted at the two men watching me like this was some sort of circus act, and I was the trapped animal in the cage while the ringleader lashed his whip at me, then again I wasn’t too far off there. I crawled towards my brother, staying low to the floor. The coughing got worse and I started seeing double, and was getting really dizzy. When I reached Jake, I saw that he was knocked out cold, slumped against the wall with his one arm still chained and it wasn’t long before I was taken over by the darkness as well.


Chapter 23


Hunter’s POV

“Hunter! Hunter wake up.”

I felt cold and damp, there was someone shaking me, and my head and neck hurt like a mother.

“Damn it Hunter WAKE UP!”

“What, what is it?”

“It’s Snow, they got her.”

That snapped me right out of it. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was still in the forest, and I remembered my earlier conversation with her. The sun was setting… again and Cole was standing in front of me with worried eyes.

“She knocked me out. She actually knocked me out. I’m going to kick her pretty ass, after I save her from her own stupidity.”

I got up and started marching towards the Manor; Cole stopped me by putting his hand on my shoulder, and I growled at him.

“Whoa there Rambo, you can’t go in there without back up, you’ll end up like her and where would that leave you?”

“Then where’s the fucking back up? Did you call for back up yet?”

“Yes, as soon as I found you. They should be here soon; we just have to sit tight.”

“How long have I been knocked out?” I asked already knowing the answer.

“Since last night or early this morning… depends on how you look at it.”

I ran my hands through my hair, and started pacing. I still can’t believe she knocked me out for nearly a whole day, after what I confessed to her, what I felt for her. Did she not care? Did she not believe me? Damn it, why did I get a mate that is so head strong and stubborn?

“What was she thinking? I have to go get her back.”

“Chill out man, we’ll get her back. We still need to stay in cover, we too close to their hide out to be walking around like Miss. Universe at a fashion parade.”

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