12. Behave

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The sun blinds me into consciousness. Having no recollection of falling asleep last night, I pull myself from underneath the sheets and walk towards the door. How strong is mind control from a vampire? I pull on the handle and a small breeze hits my face as soon as the door is open.

I move my foot towards the threshold and then stop myself. I can't describe it, but my body will not let me leave.

I let out a sigh and then look over to see the guard standing next to the door frame. He has a faint bruise on his cheekbone.

He looks over at me and grunts.

"Good morning to you too." I roll my eyes as I shut the door behind me.

I walk to the bathroom and throw cold water into my face. There are bags underneath my puffy eyes. The cold water feels refreshing. I grab onto a small white towel and begin to wipe the water away.

I look into the mirror and am met with cold blue eyes. I jump at the sight of him, whipping my body around.

"Good morning" He rings out cheerfully.

"You scared me." I put my hand over my heart.

He ignores me, pushing himself off of the door frame and walking towards the mirror.

"Tonight we have an event in the ballroom. Your dress will be fitted and you will attend the ball with me. You will be on your best behaviour." He fixes his hair in the mirror before turning his eyes towards me.

"Why do I have to go to this?" I furrow my brows.

"Because you, my dear, are the highlight of the evening." He lifts my chin.

I swallow a knot in my throat. Being in the middle of a room full of vampires is the last thing on my bucket list today.

He clears his throat, "Are you ready for breakfast? We have a fancy cuisine of spinach omelets and fresh fruit," he rings. Today he radiates sunshine. His hair is perfectly brushed out of his face and he wears a black V-neck T-shirt.

"Are you ready to let Addison go?" I counter, raising a brow.

"Are you going to remain upset with me all morning?" He sighs.

"Are you going to stop keeping me prisoner?"

"Okay, fair enough." He says as he leans against the counter. "We can negotiate." He crosses his arms over his chest and a small smile plays on his lips. His blue eyes are alight with amusement.

I close my mouth at his words. Is he being... agreeable?

"Let Addison go." I begin.

"Okay." He breathes out casually. I am taken back by his sudden calm nature. Is he being reasonable?

Liam then pushes off of the bathroom countertop and takes a small step towards me. The scent of peppermint and wood hits my nose as he grows closer. He places both hands on either side of the counter, trapping me in.

He leans even closer, his face brushing past my cheek to rest beside my ear.

"As long as nothing goes wrong tonight, Addison will walk free." he whispers out.

Something important is happening tonight and Liam must need everything to be perfect. I wish I knew what it was. A small chill runs down my spine.

I slowly nod my head.

"Okay. I will do what you say. As long as she is okay."

Liam smiles, giving me my space. He takes my hand and leads me out of the bedroom. My feet do not shy away from the door this time. We walk down to the dining room.

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