Old Friend

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I took few things, only enough for this short journey. I gathered a few of my strongest vampires and we all piled into a nice black limousine. The vehicle sped down the highway faster than our vampire speeds as we crept closer and closer to the human civilizations. Kai thought he was smart enough to try and kill me? Ha.

We were going to find him, kill him, and then I could go back and find Alex. Hopefully she isn't being corrupted by that wolf Tyler. The very thought of him touching her made me want to turn the car around and retrieve her immediately. She would be useless against him with their silly wolf's bond. How does she know she even has real feelings for him?

My thoughts were hushed as I saw the car approaching a large human city. The limo slowed to normal humanly speeds as we entered the massive city. This was the city of Chicago, a large city home to many blood sources to my kinds liking. My mind, however, was not focused on getting a fix of blood. I needed to get in and get out without being exposed.

We didn't enter large cities vary often. There are some vampires who thrive in big cities, making businesses and robbing the blood banks. They live happy lives until they get caught or they get noticed for their lack of aging. I preferred living in my secluded mansion where I was free to have parties specifically for my own kind.

Immediately as we entered the city, we were met by traffic lights and speed limit signs that were extremely slow. It took us at least thirty minutes to make it to our first destination. The car pulled up and stopped, letting me and a few men out before leaving us behind.

We arrived at a large glass building. I smiled as I prepared to see one of my very old friends. We entered the building and walked to the silver grey desk. The large lobby was decorated with colorful paintings and modern furniture that fit nicely with the paintings. I approached the desk and my eyes met with a pretty blonde girl. She had fair skin and her bleach blonde hair was pulled tightly into a ponytail. She wore simple makeup hidden under her black glasses that sat pushed up on her nose.

She looked up at me and gave me a smile. "How can I help you today?"

I returned the smile to her as I leaned on the desk casually. "Hello. I'm here to see Abigail Lewis."

"She's not in at the moment." The girl said a little too quickly. I adjusted my position and gave her my best smile once again.

"Listen, Love, I need to talk to her. It's pretty urgent so you understand, don't you?" I attempted charming her. Her cheeks tinted a soft pink as she looked at me.

"I suppose I could check and see if she is back." She added as she dialing on her phone. She spoke a few words into the device before placing it back down and looking up to me with a smile.

"She can see you in her office." She shined up at me through her glasses.

"Thank you Love." I gave a smile of happiness as I pushed off the desk. Humans were so easy. They are obsessed with the illusion of finding love. Romance is something they worship; especially the females. They would have no real defense against our kinds. All we had to do was charm the silly humans and then they would do our bidding.

We made our way to the large elevator. We hopped inside and pressed the button for floor 20, the top floor. The elevator doors closed and we were slowly raised to the top floor of the huge building.

A soft ding was heard as we went up, up, up, the many floors. My two man stood tense and quit as we waited on the elevator. The final ding rang and the door slid open slowly, allowing us to step through onto the floor.

This whole floor was consumed by Abigail's massive office. Her office consisted of three different rooms and a wide hallway that allowed access to each. The first room was her own personal kitchen area consisting of an espresso machine and her chef. The second room was her own gym where she can run on a treadmill while looking out of the massive glass wall down to the glimmering city below. The final room was her business room filled with a large desk, her name engraved in the light oak woods, a few white plush chairs for her clients, a fluffy purple rug, a large tv plastered on the wall, and other decorations to make this room modern and young.

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