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Bella walked with a graceful step into the kitchen where Esme was flipping pancakes and Renesmee, Jacob, Seth, and Leah were eagerly awaiting the steaming plates. Bella had planned on having Alaska and Renesmee meet soon and was thinking of just that when the woman appeared in the doorway.

The three werewolves turned to her, both curious and fearful of the newcomer. There was silence as all four children watched the very young woman sitting across from them at the table.

"Hello children," Both Leah and Jacob growled as they both thought themselves adults. "Shut it, You do not interrupt an elder figure when they speak. It is rude." This caused several eye rolls, except for Renesmee. She was looking admiringly at the vampire aunt.

"My name is Alaska, I am a vampire but I am your aunt and will be treated as so." Jacob and Leah were both confused to say that much. "I am blind and older than you can count, but I am not stupid. I will gladly put any of you into the kennel if you disrespect me." With that she nodded and left.

Emmett, Edward and Harley, who had been watching, burst our laughing at the fours confused but amazed faces. Seth and Nessie had obviously excepted Alaska as their aunt and were already in love. Jacob not as much, and Leah least of all. This would be interesting, for everyone.

"She likes to declare herself as everyone's aunt, mother, or grandmother. What ever position the person usually accepts the most. She is incredibly maternal, that's part of the reason she changed all of us." Choked out Harley in-between laughing so much that if he were human, his side's would be covered in stitches.

Leah and Jacob glanced at each other uneasy before digging into the food placed before them.

Hey sorry that this book is so slow, the chapters are long and they take a while to write. I know that I said about surprises coming but some of them I've decided to push back for later.


Note: OMG I just realized that I posted this chapter and not the one before. Sorry

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