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The date was getting closer as the flow of vampires came to a stop, everyone who was coming had arrived. There was an afternoon that Bella had gone missed, drove off somewhere. No-one seemed to notice, except Alaska. She didn't comment though, knowing her boundaries.

Days had passed and before anyone knew it it was the day before the battle. Everyone was on edge, not sure what to feel and not having Jasper there to help just made it worse. Alaska tried to help as much as she could but there wasn't much preparing to do. Except train.

Alaska had taken over the same role Jasper did during the battle against Victoria's newborn army. She made sure everyone could fight well enough to survive. Alaska also made sure everyone who was going to leave knew when and how to leave to make sure no one tracked them. Her children trained vigorously but well.More and more wolves turned with every coming nomad or coven and Alaska introduced herself to everyone of them.

But Alaska was still troubled, she felt more empty then normal. Like she was missing something-someone. Alaska put it off as being surrounded by so many mated couples, she was lonely. It had been a long time since Alaska had thought of and wished for someone-a mate. She had her children and her nieces and nephews plus a granddaughter now. Why did she feel like this? Why now?

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(At Volturi Castle-Unknown POV-)
-A Week Earlier-

Everyone had grown restless, anxious for the upcoming battle that would take place in a week. The guards had been only training, feeding and gathering witnesses for the part two weeks and god were they tired of it. Everyone was even Marcus and Caius. Yeah Marcus was happy to get out of the castle and Caius was overjoyed at the though of a war, let alone against the Cullens. But not Aro, no he was too happy  for this battle. This was when he would have the chance to get Edward and Alice to join the Volturi. Yes the Volturi knew the Cullens had gathered witnesses of their own but they didn't think that a certain European coven of roses would be there-or how much their presence would change the outcome of that day.

Authors Note:
Given the clues in this filler who you think will end up being very important to a rose or two
--timeless no spoilers

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