Chapter 9: You're Rocking The Punk Look

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"You can follow behind us. Em hasn't been to our house yet." Dad said as we all left the restaurant.

"You haven't been to your dad's house?" Hunter leaned to whisper to me while slinging his arm around my back.

"Well when you live seven hours away and you don't really like his new girlfriend, are you just supposed to pop in for a cup of coffee?"

Hunter laughed and opened the door for me. Dad pulled up next to us after Hunter reversed, "Just follow me."


"Come on in." Dad smiled when we arrived. Jade was already inside dishing up dessert.

"Come sit," Dad gestured towards the lounge, "So can I get you something to drink?"

He was suddenly more awkward, perhaps self-conscience of his new lifestyle or nervous about what he needed to talk to me about. After all that was the only reason I'd agreed come to his house.

"I wouldn't mind coffee," I said, might as well enjoy my time.

"Same please, sir." Hunter asked.

When my dad left the room, I turned to Hunter, "What's with the manners?" I joked.

Hunter pulled me closer to him, resting his arm on my shoulder, "I need my A, remember?" He smirked at me.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?" He asked after a long time of silence. Before I could answer him, my dad walked back in balancing a tray. Hunter started to remove his arm from my shoulder but I grabbed his hand before he could.

"Jade!" Dad called into the kitchen after watching Hunter and I for a few seconds.

Jade came out with a cake, "I spent hours baking this. I hope it's fine."

I rolled my eyes and looked up at Hunter, "I'm sure it will be great... Ma'am?"

Jade laughed, "Please, call me Jade. So how long have you two been dating?" She asked, dishing up for everyone.

"We went on our first date yesterday." I said crossing my arms.

"What did you two do?" She asked sweetly.

"I took her to the park for a picnic," Hunter bragged.

"That's so sweet."

"What did you want to tell me?" I asked, not wanting to talk about this anymore.

"Well," Dad leaned forward and Jade sat next to him, "Umm..."

"Hard one, sir?" Hunter joked, calming the atmosphere.

"You have no clue, Hunter." He said a bit more seriously.

When he didn't speak after a really long moment, I started to get up.

"We should really get going..."

"Em, wait." He took a deep breathe to calm himself, I remember him doing the exact same thing when I was younger, "Jade and I are engaged."

I stared at him, "What?"

"I said - "

"I heard what you said."

Jade smiled at me as if I was going to jump up and down with her. I just looked back at my dad.

"Dad! No. I'm sorry Jade, I don't mean to be rude but I barely know you." Jade was holding back tears clinging onto my dad's arm. Hunter was holding onto my shoulders rubbing his hands over them, trying to calm me.

"Em, you don't visit. How are you supposed to know her if we never see you?"

"Have you ever considered coming down to visit me?" I sneered. Dad looked at me starting to get angry.

"Honey, it's okay." Jade tried comforting dad.

"Jade, she doesn't try," Dad whispered, "She's going to have to accept our family."

It was barely audible, but I heard it, "Your family?" I spat.

Dad was about to speak but Jade stopped him, "I think I should tell her." And then she looked directly at me, "Your father and I are pregnant."

She had the audacity to smile. A genuine smile. Not a sympathetic smile or a 'I just ruined your family more than it already is so I'm sorry' smile but a real, happy smile. I got up, removing myself from Hunter's comfort.

"So that's why you're marrying her!" And I left, slamming the door behind me, attempting to speed walk in my heels and trying not to trip over my long dress.

Hunter's fucking car was locked. I slowly walked around the house finding somewhere to sit so I could calm down. I could hear the faint murmur of voices but couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Thank you for the dinner, sir." I could here Hunter's voice clearly, he must have been leaving.

"I'm sorry about that, son."

Hunter didn't reply because the next thing I heard was the door closing.

"Sweetheart?" I didn't answer Hunter, I wanted to take a few more seconds by myself.

"Sweetheart, there you are." He said. I still didn't look up at him but felt him sit when the bench moved under his weight. He leaned over, pulling me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me.

"You made quite an exit." He joked.

I laughed through my sobs, "You crying, sweetheart?" He asked suddenly concerned.

I moved closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder, "She's as old as my sister would've be."

"What do you mean 'would have'?"

I kept quiet until Hunter lifted my chin to look me in my eyes, "You're rocking the punk look at the moment."

I punched him and tried wiping away my smeared make up.

"Sweetheart?" Hunter asked again.

I looked up at him, "I think it would just be better if you did that at home. That didn't help." He smiled at me.

Hunter held tight onto me while he lead me to his car and this time he opened my door for me. When I sat down I looked up at Hunter, "Thank you Hunt."

"Only my pleasure sweetheart."

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