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"Billy, I don't know what to do. I have to separate them but I can't exactly do that without hurting them," Sam sighed, his head in his hands. Emily stood behind him, his silent pillar of strength.

"You also can't do anything that could destroy the chances of them ever loving each other again. He might imprint on her in the end," Jared pointed out.

"What you need to do is cause a misunderstanding, something simple like rumours," Emily spoke softly and Billy stared at the table.

"She doubts his loyalty. She hears so many rumours from other girls and sometimes it gets to her," Billy sounded like the words were slicing him from the inside out.

"He feels the same from time to time," Jared sighed.

"I have an idea, I mean it's a longshot and Jared will probably get punched but it might anger Paul enough that he'll phase," Kim spoke up, her gentle voice piercing the air.

"Let's hear it," Sam sighed, finally looking up from his hands.


"You guys hungry?" Jazmine asked as she carried in a pizza. Paul and Jake both looked up from where they were studying the Rabbit's engine.

"I love you," they spoke in sync and Jazmine rolled her eyes.

"You only love me for my food," she tutted as she watched them scoff the slices down.

"And your ass, I really love you for your ass," Paul smirked and Jacob groaned, hitting him over the back of his head.

"Both of you need to hurry because you both should be studying and you promised your sister you'd take her to Portland tomorrow so you'll get no work done." Jazmine reminded Paul who rolled his eyes.

"Thank's mom," Jake spoke up before laughing when Jazmine threw a wrench at him.

After cleaning up the three of them wandered up to the house. Jazmine shrugged out from under Paul's arm when her phone buzzed in her pocket.

"It's Jared." She mumbled, waiting for the text to open.

Jar-Head: Hey xx

Jazzy: Delete my number.

"Are those x's?" Paul asked in disbelief. Jazmine tossed her phone onto the counter, shaking her head. Jared really did want to piss Paul off.

"I don't know what game he's playing but don't let him get a rise out of you," Jazmine mumbled, tugging Paul closer. She smiled up at him and leant up to kiss him softly. 

He lifted her onto the counter so she didn't have to stretch and cupped her jaw with one hand, the other staying firmly on her hip.

Jazmine curled one hand around Paul's bicep, the other clutching his shirt as they shared sweet kisses.

A small cough interrupted them and Jazmine rolled her eyes, looking over Paul's shoulder at her brother.

"You ever heard of knocking?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's an open area, there's literally no door. Anybody could walk in." Jacob exclaimed.

"Or roll, don't be ableist." Billy teased as he came up to the kitchen. He frowned when he saw the position the pair was in.

 Paul was standing between Jazmine's legs, his head on her shoulder and his arms around her. She was running her nails through his hair and had her other arm wrapped around his neck.

They were so in love.

"Dad, who dropped you back in?" Jacob asked and Billy hooked his thumb over his shoulder to where Harry Clearwater was standing with a small smile.

"You guys want me to get you some fish fry and beer?" Jazmine asked with a small smile.

"No, go study. I've got it."

Jazmine followed Paul up the hall to her bedroom and sighed when she finally shut the door. She pulled out her desk chair while Paul flopped down on her bed.

"What are we studying?" He yawned and she rolled her eyes.

"I figured we could just do the history essay and the Spanish?" She asked softly, pushing her hair behind her ear. Paul got off the bed and came over to stand behind her.

"Stop stressing." He mumbled and untucked her hair before kissing the top of her head.

"I'm sorry." She sighed and tilted her head back so Paul could kiss her lips gently.

"It's okay, I know you're stressed about this but we're gonna make it into UCLA, you have a 3.9 GPA and I've got my football scholarship." Paul wrapped his arms around Jazmine and hugged her tightly.

"I love you." She kissed his bicep because it was all she had access to.

By the time Billy came to check on them they were fast asleep on Jazmine's bed, her history textbook hanging from Jazmine's hand.

Billy was terrified for his little girl's sake. If what they wanted went to plan, both of them would be crushed.  It would completely ruin Jazmine

Billy had come to look at Paul like another son. He caught sight of the UCLA pamphlet pinned to Jazmine's wall and his mood fell further.

All the pair wanted was to get out of LaPush and after this Paul wouldn't be able to and Jazmine wouldn't be able to find the motivation.

No matter how this happened, in Billy's eyes, it would all end up like Sam and Leah did, all that time ago. 


Jazmine stared at herself in the mirror before turning up the cuffs of her jeans. They were covered in paint and were years old, no wonder she was outgrowing them.

She pulled on one of Paul's sweatshirts and tied her hair back quickly. They were dropping the truck off to Charlie after months of Paul and Jacob fixing it up.

"Do you think she'll like it?" Jacob asked, his smile threatening to split his face in half.

"I'm sure she'll love it," Billy laughed and Jazmine rolled her eyes as she started the truck up.

"You haven't seen her since we were fourteen, why are you so excited?" Jazmine asked.

"It's alway nice to catch up with an old friend," Jacob said and Jazmine laughed and cranked up the radio. She loved driving the truck and had hoped it would be hers but she knew it wouldn't be any good to her in California.

Paul had a truck so it was okay really and she'd probably save up to buy a car eventually.

Charlie was already outside when they arrived and Jazmine honked the horn before hopping out and grabbing her dad's chair.

"Mornin' Charlie." She smiled as she helped her dad into his chair. He smiled at Jazmine, always having a soft spot for her.

"Mornin' Jazz, how's that boy of yours been treating you?" Charlie was Jazmine's godfather and seemed to think Paul wasn't good for her.

"Like a princess." Jazmine smiled and looked up when Bella came out of the house.

"Hey, Bella." Jazmine smiled softly. Bella looked to her father for introductions.

"Bella, you remember Billy Black?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah, how are you?" Bella asked.

"Well, I'm still dancing." He grinned before turning to Charlie.

"I'm Jacob, we used to make mud pies when we were little." Jazmine laughed and leant against the bed of the truck while they spoke.

She pulled out her phone when it chimed, expecting a text from Paul about how his sister drove him crazy.

Jar-Head: Heyy xx

Jazzy: I hope Paul castrates you.

Turning Tables (Paul LaHote)Where stories live. Discover now