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Jazmine was staring blankly at the screen door of Sam and Emily's house as she attempted to take in every detail she had just been given. Her hands were shaking and Jared and Sam were watching her carefully.

She had to wear sunglasses because her eyes were so much more sensitive and for when she returned to school she'd need earplugs.

"Wolves?" She asked.

"Yup," Jared answered.

"All the legends?" She asked.

"Every one of them." Sam nodded.

"Imprinting, The Cold One's even the fact that we don't age?" She asked.

"All of them." Emily sighed. She had begun cooking the second Sam and Jared returned.

"So your scars? A cold one?" Jazmine asked and Emily shook her head.

"That's another story for another time." Emily soothed.

"So it's just us?" Jazmine finally turned to face them and Sam nodded grimly.

"For now, we're expecting more to phase over the coming months, at least two by March." Jazmine nodded as she attempted to absorb it.

"Paul?" She asked and Jared nodded.

"Jacob too, maybe Quil and if the Cullen's stick around we're looking at Seth, Brady and Colin." The first thought she could grasp on was that Embry would be alone because he was originally from the Makah Reservation with his Mom.

"And I can't tell anyone?"

"Well, that depends on who you want to tell. You can talk to any of us about it. Emily, Kim, Sue, Harry or even your Dad. But we can't tell anyone else. Like we actually can't." Jared sighed and took a seat at the table.

"You make it sound like I'm not able to." Jazmine frowned.

"You aren't. Sam is your alpha and that's his order, you've gotta follow it." Emily shrugged and Jazmine nodded slowly.

"So I won't be going to college then?" She asked and everyone frowned.

"Probably not." Sam sighed and Jazmine nodded again.

"I think I'm gonna go home. I'll come back tomorrow but if you need me any sooner you have our number."

Jazmine didn't go home. She went to the beach and stood to stare at the water as it pushed in and out, dragging at the sand and the rocks.

Everything she had planned was gone. There would be no California. She'd never leave Forks.

She heard the footsteps but chose to ignore them. She was trying to ignore the fact that she was a supernatural freak.

"You weren't at school today?" Embry sighed and Jazmine nodded.

"I can't seem to shake this virus." She admitted and sat down, trusting he'd copy her. He did.

"I can feel the heat from here. What's your temperature up to now?" Embry asked and Jazmine shrugged.

"Over 108 anyway." She shrugged. Embry whistled before leaning back on his elbows.

"You gonna stop talking to us now? Because that's gonna hurt, I won't lie." Embry sighed and Jazmine nodded.

"I'm dropping out so you'll hardly ever see me." She admitted.

"Good one." Embry laughed but froze when she didn't laugh. "That was a joke?"

"No, my dad asked me not to go to college so I'm not going to." She lied.

Turning Tables (Paul LaHote)Where stories live. Discover now