Chapter 1

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Crystal's Pov

My life hasn't always been the best all my life. My mother died just last year, and no one has ever liked me, so they bullied me. My brother, Colin, ran away years ago when I was 12. My parents started beating me saying it was my fault he left. That was 6 years ago and I don't think he will ever come back. He would be my age considering he is my twin older brother. If he did ever decide to come back, I don't think I could ever forgive him for what he did to me. Besides my life being a living hell, I have two things that make me feel alive and let me be me, the real me. That's why I fight and race. To get away from everything in life.

So on this topic let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Crystal Peters, and as you know my mother died last year. My father abuses me worse now because it's apparently my fault that my mother left us...why is it my fault? I literally do nothing but live my life, but maybe that's the cause. Me living, breathing, going about my day while my mother is no longer with us and my brother gone.

I get bullied by my peers and I'm the nerd of the school. I have no friends. I always sit alone at school and I get beat up at the end of the school day behind the building. At night my life revolves around my street racing and street fighting. My name is Death Angel so people don't know its me because I have seen people from school there. I am only 18 years old. My hair is eye catching, pink and blue hair that looks like cotton candy: my favorite. I have blue eyes that are really clear like the blue sky on a clear day. I have piercings on my belly button, lip, nose, and ears; not a bull piercing, I hate those.

In all my 210 fights, I have never lost one to anyone even if they were the best before I came there. With my street racing, I'm also the best and always ended up first in all 160 of them. As you can see I fight the most, so I have to have a six-pack, which I do, and muscle. I also smoke and drink and no one knows this besides the friends I have in the underground and on the track. My usual attire at school is that of baggy clothes a beanie to hide my hair and fake glasses to help with my nerd disguise. My clothes attire out of school is my leather jacket with a black crop top and black skinny jeans that have a studded belt with studded pockets. During my fights I have my hair up with a galaxy sports bra and my workout shorts: they're easier to move around in.

Surprisingly I have been thinking of showing the real me to my school and see all the looks on everyone's faces to know that me, the nerd, is Death Angel: the most feared and respected racer and fighter. Nah. I want it to still be a secret. It will just cause me trouble at school. Don't want some fights that would be bound to happen once I come out in the open. Opps. I didn't tell you what happened earlier this week did I?

Well to fill the void on what happened is that I got beat up pretty badly. My biggest bully, Andrew, started cutting me with a knife so I lost a lot of blood. Once the cuts scar up, which they are doing now, it will go with my badass mojo when I get out of this place. No offence but hospitals are evil with the smell that floats around and the crappy bed that you have to sleep on with the gown that they make you put on that doesn't even cover your backside. That's not exactly why I hate hospitals. The real reason is that my mother died in the hospital and I didn't want to be the next so I did everything to not be put in here. Obviously that plan failed because I am in the hospital covered in bandages from my head to my toes. I really hate life, you know?

*Evil laugh in head*

No one knows my real name. Only the people at the gym because I go everyday with new bruises and cuts and they help. I count them as my family for a couple years now. No one understands me like the guys there. Any new people that come have to earn my trust first to get to know my name and anything else with important information on my private life.

Drew, Mike, Lawson, Penton, and Lanny are the main people at the gym and they helped train me. The best of the best. I'm strong because of them. Now, I fight for a living.

I cant wait to get back to school and get out of here so I can fight.

Alright! Time to get back to my rest so I can get out of here sooner than expected.

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