Chapter 4

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Jacksons Pov

Somethings up with that Death Angel girl. I think it's that nerd, Chris, Cristian? No, Crystal! Thats it! She has marks all over her body, and there not all from me and the guys.

Did someone hurt her?

Did her parents do this?

Were we the cause of this?

"Yo man, what are you thinking about?" Andrew's voice made me break me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing. Just thinking about that Death Angel girl." I answered back, "She really did a number on you." I laughed at the thought of him getting beat up by a girl. A nerd none-the-less.

"What do you mean nerd? And stop laughing at me." Andrew questions while pouting.

"I said that out loud?" Everyone nodded.

"I kind of talked to her and found out that she goes to our school and is also a nerd here." I didn't want to say it but I had too. Andrew had to know about this.

"Do we bully her?" I can tell he didn't want to stop if we did.

"Yes, but I also told her that we wont stop bullying her." I smugly said.

"Nice. Did you happen to catch her name?" God. What's Andrew asking me question after question?

"No sorry." I'm going to find out her dirty little secrets. And nothing can get in my way. If only I knew those secrets are worse than I thought.

Crystals Pov

Going home is one of the worst things that can happen for me. Especially for the person that awaits behind the strong oak door that belongs to the front of the little two story house with wilting flowers, dead trees, and is painted a yellow-ish brown color, that is my house.

I just hope tonight goes smoothly since my father isn't home now, so he shouldnt be for awhile. It also seems my luck isn't with me today because I got paired up with one of my bullys for a school project for history.


I'm in History class waiting for the day to be over with and get out of here for a peaceful night tonight, but that was all ruined with what the teacher had to say.

"Alright class, today I'm going to assign you partners for a project that will be due in a month." Mrs. Sweet says. Ironic because she is everything but sweet. She is the absolute worst teacher in this building. I swear she is out to get me. One time I went to go throw something away and she gave me a detention. A DETENTION! After that I had the worst beating ever for not getting home on time. I blame it all on her.

"...Crystal and Jackson are the last pair. Now, I want everyone to go sit with their partners and begin talking about your topic." Wait, wait a minute. Hold up. Did she just say...Jackson?

"Ok let's get this over with. We have 5 minutes left so lets talk about whos house we are going to." Yup. Its Jackson alright. "So I was thinking your house since my house is being redone parents are home and the construction workers are doing what they do best." He smirks. What is he thinking?

"Ok, you just have to leave early. You got it?" All he did was nod.


Flashback over:

Now, Im getting ready for Jackson to come- never mind he's here. I rush to the door and let him in.

"So this is your house, huh." What is he implying?

"What do you mean by that?" I retorted.

"I just, well, thought you lived in a...I don't know...happier place?" I can't answer this.

"It's none of your business how I live." My temper is getting the better of me, "and you made it clear you don't care the other night."

"It doesn't matter. Lets just get to the project."

It must've been a few hours later because the next thing I heard was my front door open and get slammed shut. I start going into panic mode. "You need to get out now." I freaked, pushing Jackson to the window. "He can't find you here in his house."

"What? I'll leave, but why the window?" He asked.

"BITCH, GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE NOW! YOU DIDN'T MAKE MY DINNER!" My father screams from down the hallway.

"Crystal, who is that?" Should I tell him? My father's loud footsteps are stomping their way to my door.

".....My father." I whisper. "Now leave so he doesn't see you." I whisper-yelled while pushing him through the window.

Seeing that he is on the ground, I jumped cause my door was slammed open by a very, very, VERY, angry looking father. "Who was in here? ANSWER ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!" My father comes up and grabs my hair, throwing me into the wall on the other side of the room. In the meantime, 'cause my back to hit my dresser and cut my back, everything fell down the wall, and my father walks menacingly towards me.

When he's right in front of me he starts kicking, punching, and also cutting me with a pocket knife he had. "This is not all you get for bringing a boy over." He whispers in my ear.

"B-b-but, i-it was f-for a p-pr-project in s-sci-science." I stuttered while shivering from my father taking my clothes off.

He can't be doing this, can he?

'NO, please no.' I beg in my head before my father rapes me.

I just want this all to end.

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