Chapter 8

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Unknown Pov

I can't wait to see my family again. I hope they didn't replace me, or forgot about me. If they did I don't know what I will do.

Does my sister still need me?

Do my parents still want me around?

Does my family still love me?

Nothing can get me past these thoughts until I see them again because I did just up and leave one day without them knowing. I just had to get away from everything so I could be stronger than I was.

I wasn't getting any stronger living here because my parents wouldn't allow me to go to the gym. The reason why? I have no idea. I just hope my sister is ok from the last time I saw her.

The last time I saw my parents was when they were arguing about how they dont need us fighting back for whatever they were going to do.

Me, being the biggest dick ever, went into a fight with her about if one of us would ever leave, and that fight is the last time I saw my sister. I didn't want her to know that I was going to leave, and I didn't even try and fix it. I also haven't talked to my family for over 6 years and I'm going back without even saying anything.

Mike, the guy I asked for the Peter's house, said my family didn't live there anymore since three days ago. Wonder what happened.

Well, whatever happened won't get in my way from seeing my sister again.

Crystal, my dear twin, wherever you are I will always find you.

Crystal's Pov

Knowing that I must have hurt Rach's feelings leaving like that broke my heart because I never wanted to see her hurt ever again. Last time someone hurt her was her boyfriend breaking up with her to be with someone else and saying that Rachel was ugly and fat.

I saved her and she's all that matters to me anymore besides the guys at the gym.

"Crystal, I'm so sorry. I didn't know your father did that and your mother passed away." Rachel ran in crying. Tackling me to the ground in a hug.

Smoothing Rachel's hair, I started whispering to her that it was ok. "You didn't know and I don't blame you so come on we're going to have a girls night and catch up on things." Rachel's face instantly lit up like christmas lights.

Rachel ran into the kitchen and grabbed some snacks while I went and got titanic.

*Warning to those that haven't watched Titanic, spoiler in the next paragraph, read over it*

At the end of the movie we were both hugging each other with tears streaming down our faces. "Jack shouldn't have left Rose, they were perfect for each other. He could have gotten on with her and they both would have lived." Everytime I watch this movie I always go on and on about how they should have been together forever.

My rambling got cut of by the doorbell ringing. Who could that be? Mike never rung the doorbell since this was his house and neither did the other guys. This is just plain weird.

Getting up was painful since all I wanted to do was cry with Rachel and get to know what she did for the past year. Opening the door I decided to scream at whoever was there since they ruined my fun time. "What the fuck do you want, and why are you here?"

"That seems a bit offencive to me, considering who I am to you." A voice that I haven't heard for over 6 years said, and hoped to never hear again. "I thought you would still be living with our parents but it seems like something happened. Care to explain?"

"It didn't seem like you cared before, so why know?" That was the best answer I could come up with since I am still in shock.

"Is it bad that I just wanted to see my family again after 6 years? Now, tell me where our parents are because I really want to catch up with them." Colin is starting to sound annoyed.

"Ha. Like you would want to get to catch up with our parents after what they did to me." I start chuckling evilly.

"Why do you have to be so rude, they're our parents, and they wouldn't do anything to their own children." He's starting to scream now and I can't help but be scared since he looks so much like our father.

"They're gone and they're never coming back. I hate father for what he did, and I hate mother that she left me alone with him even though she hurt me too." I scream. "So please, just don't scream at me, please." I whisper.

"NO, AND I DON'T APPRECIATE YOU TALKING ABOUT OUR PARENTS THAT WAY!" No, no, no, Im having a panic attack. "BITCH STOP ACTING LIKE YOU'RE SCARED OF YOUR OWN FUCKING BROTHER!" When he said that I had an image come racing into my mind, and it was of my father beating me to a bloody pulp.

"Crystal, calm down, come here baby girl." Mikey whispers to me soothingly. When did he get here? I can't think about this now, I have to calm myself down but I can't.

Picking me up and running me to my bedroom, Mikey puts my head to his chest so I can hear his heartbeat. "Breath Crystal, breath. Listen to my heart." This is helping me. "In, out, in, out. Come on follow my movements." Mikey says while breathing in deeply, and then out again, waiting for me to copy him.

Calming down after a few minutes I start to fall asleep. I feel myself being lifted and being put on my bed, snuggling into the comfort of my blankets that give me the warmth I'm craving.

 Soon I let the darkness take over my vision.

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