3. Stakes, Audi's, and Porsche's

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Chapter 3

)Elena's POV(

Present Day, Mystic Falls

I woke up...on the couch in the living room? I heard a crash, and Stefan yelled.

Just then, Damon walked down the stairs. He looked around, and, when he saw me, instantly, he was a blur.

And then, I was being shoved up against a wall, with Damon on top of me.

"Katherine." He smiled evilly.

"What?" I shrieked. 

His fist just missed my head, as he attempted smashing my skull.

"Shut up," He snarled.

"Stefan!" I screamed.

Damon's hand shot out and smothered my throat, preventing me from breathing.

"Help! Please!" I gasped, desperately trying to inhale oxygen.

A sick smile spread across Damon's face. "No one's gonna help you, Katherine."

"Please, Damon! Get off!"

"Aww, but then there wouldn't be any fun, would there, Katherine?"

I froze. "You think I'm Katherine?"

Damon froze too. 

"Isn't Katherine in the tomb?" I asked, sceptically.

Stefan came stomping down the stairs, a stake in his hand.

"What the...DAMON! What are you doing?"

"It's Katherine, Stefan. Now," he said, turning his attention back to me. "How would you like a stake in your heart?"

I screamed again. "No! Please! I'm Elena! Elena!"

"Prove it," Stefan leered in my face.

"Uh...We first met outside the men's bathroom at school?" I tried weakly, then turned to Damon. "And we first met the first time I came here, and Stefan was gone."

Stefan and Damon both had expressions of scorn on their faces.

"C'mon, Katherine. Everyone knows that." Stefan scoffed.

Desperate to prove my humanity, I snatched the stake from Stefan's hand, which he snatched back. I slammed my head back into the wall in exasperation, but then realized my mistake as black began to edge my reality.Reality hurt, the black didn't, so I closed my eyes, losing consciousness, just as something sticky touched my lips.   

Carlotta's POV(

Present Day, Mystic Falls

"Here," I set Andrea down on the grassy ground out-skirting a forest. Andrea sighed dramatically as we stopped at the sign that read: Welcome to Mystic Falls, Virginia.

"Mystic Falls?" Andrea asked sceptically.

I nodded. "Yeah, this place was great back in the day."

Andrea stared at me curiously, but I pretended not to notice. "C'mon." I began walking.

"Wait-I have to walk now?" Andrea ran to keep up with me.

"Yeah, or until we get a car."

"When you say 'get,' do you mean..."

"Steal?" I turned to face her, a smile etched on my face. "Hot-wire, borrow without permission and or intent of bringing it back..... whichever you like more."

Andrea rolled her eyes. "I call it like I see it."


She looked curiously at me, so I explained.

"It's called compulsion."

Andrea rolled her eyes again, and toyed with her vervain bracelet. "Oh, that's a nice car," she commented, and pointed at a dark grey 2012 Audi R8 GT 5.2 FSI quattro Spyder, but I scoffed.


"Oh, yeah? I happen to love Audi's, and I don't see a better car here. If you do, then, please." She gestured around her. "Do share."

I sighed, and pointed a finger at the European razor-red DKR Porshe 911 Turbo with a black stripe down the middle that I could already hear approaching.

"Oh," Andrea's face fell. "So...no Audi?" 

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