7. It's All Roses And Laurels

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Chapter 7

)Elena's POV(

     The girl stood completely still as I stared at her. She attempted to smile at me, but the second I instinctively blinked, she was gone.

I instantly stopped screaming, and Damon and Stefan stared concernedly at me. 

"I'm fine," I said, and smiled to show that I was.

"Elena, you should-" Stefan began. 

"Leave the poor girl alone," Damon cut in. "She almost died. Give her a break, would you?"

Stefan glared at Damon, and replied, saying, "And who are you to tell me what is best for my girlfriend? Especially as you're the one who nearly killed her!"

 "Well, it's only fair, seeing as you're the one who nearly killed Katherine!" Noticing my obvious confusion and how Stefan froze, Damon smirked. "Oh, you haven't told Elena dearest how you nearly killed Katherine? Well," he said, turning to me, "You remember how they had that lovely, totally not violent round-up of vampires back in 1864? Well, me and Stefan, we had this little plan for saving Katherine and keeping her under the radar, but no. Stefan went crying to Daddy, and, well, I think you know the rest."

Damon got up abruptly, glass still in his hand, and walked out of the room.

Stefan fumed silently in the corner and stomped out, in the opposite direction of Damon, and after a second, I could hear the resounding thumps of someone going up the stairs, then slamming the door to his room. 

"I'm just gonna to go..." I muttered awkwardly to no one, and turned to leave, but found myself facing the stairs.

Carefully creeping up the stairs so they wouldn't creak, I ventured into a wing of the hallway that was covered in a thick sheet of dust. Suddenly, the sound of a relaxed pace on creaking floorboards echoed through the hallway, coming closer and closer to me.

My heart sped up frantically, and I darted into the first room I saw, and was transported into back into the days of corset dresses, maids, and chivalry. The walls were a soft shade of lavender, mirrors on the ceiling, a pristine white vanity that was covered with hair accessories and jewelry sat by a huge bed in the corner. Worn books with cracked spines, short candles that had clearly been well-used, and a rainbow of dresses littered almost every spare spot in the room. A painted portrait hung on the wall, and there was no question as to whose room it was. Katherine Peirce's.

A wave of curiousity washed over me, so I picked up a leather-bound book that rested by my foot and leafed through it.  

April 14, 1863

       I arrived in a small, almost hidden, town called Mystic Falls today, and a boy came out to greet my carriage. His expression was that of recognition, and just as I was about to introduce myself as Charlotta Peirce, as my sister, he exclaimed, "Katherine! You've returned!" So I, rather than correct him, decided this was just what I needed to escape from the past.

What past? I thought, and continued reading.

The boy's name, I learned, was Stefan Salvatore, and his brother, Damon Salvatore. Damon greeted me, but seemed confused when I couldn't find my way around. "It's been a while," I said, and had Stefan show me around.

Once again, Damon seemed confused that I stuck with Stefan all day, so I have to make it up to him tomorrow if I'm to survive in this town. From what I can tell, there's a secret 

The journal entry abruptly cut off, and the second it did, the door opened.

Damon stepped in, and closed the door gently behind him. I kept my face blank, and waited for him to speak. But he simply stared intently at me.

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