11- Meeting my Momma

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"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"I am taking you back to your house." He said

I was shocked. He wants to meet my momma! Wow this is going really fast!

"You want to meet my mom?" I asked nervously.

"I didn't intend on it but I guess if she's home. Is it a problem?" He asked. And he sounded a little offended by my question. He gets angry easily! I should be careful around him I hope he wouldn't hurt me, which I don't think he will, but you never know? He seems a little bipolar if you ask me.

"No." I let out a little to quickly. "It's just ...isn't that a little fast?"

"Babe we're mates. There is no such thing as going to fast." He said starting up the car and pulling out of the street parking spot into the light traffic.

"What does that really have to do with going fast?" I asked quietly trying not to get on his nerves or make him angry again.

"We were made for each other. It's not rocket science princess, I mean I know your new to this stuff but come on." He looked over at me and gave me a smirk.

I guess he was right we are made for each other. "I hope my momma won't mind..."

"Well to hell with her if she doesn't. You're mine now!" He growled his eyes turning black and he possessively put his hand on my thigh.

"I know Ryder." I put my hand on his hoping to calm him down which it did a little. He took a deep breath and his eyes went back to normal. "You ok now?" I asked him.

"Yeah I'm fine." He said but still left his hand on my leg.

"So Ryder?"

"Yep." He said popping the p.

"How old are you?" I asked him.

He chuckled. "I'm twenty. How old are you princess?" He asked taking his hand off my leg opening the compartment in front of me and pulling out his cigarettes. "I'm seventeen." I watched him layer it between his lips and inhale deeply as he lit it up.

"Nice." He said blowing out the smoke then cracking the window to let it escape. I bit my lip looking at him. Could he get any hotter? Ryder was wearing a black V-neck with black loose like skinny jeans and a pair of black converses. When he was standing up his jeans hung a little low just enough to show the top lining of his Joe boxers. He was leaned back in his seat a little with one hand on the wheel holding his cigarette and the other found its way back over to my thigh.

"So when is your birthday princess?" He asked snapping me out of my thoughts before they got dirty.

"Umm.." I said registering what he asked. "February. February fourteenth."

"Yikes! Birthday and Valentines Day huh?" He chuckled.

"Yeah." I said shyly.

"It's cool baby. I don't mind doubling up." He sent me a wink and I giggled.

"I love that sound." He said smiling. "It's kind of a turn on." I gulped and blushed hard.

"You are to cute Charlie." He chuckled. But part of me didn't want to be cute it wanted to be sexy. I wanted to do very bad things with him and they are not CUTE. I have never felt this way before about a guy and he seems to be pulling me out of that phase, and very quickly I may add!

He drove into my neighborhood and I gave him the directions to my house. We pulled into my drive-way and got out of the car. I led Ryder to the front door took a breath then we made our way inside.

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