{1} "The Idea of My Death"

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A/N: Hey so for all you guys who have already read/currently reading I'll be editing and rewriting some parts to make the story more sensible and flow smoothly. Anyways, have a good fücking day my dudes.

"I Ryker Seghar, future Alpha of the Seghar pack, reject you, Diana Sandalio as my mate."

My heart had shattered hearing those words, taking my rose colored glasses and crushing them along with it.


"Eighteen." The words were muttered underneath my breath as I looked at the mirror studying my appearance in hopes for any change on my birthday. Unfortunately, it was still just me, the oddball. I stood at an intimidating five foot two inches, with a terrifying button nose accompanied by a dusting of freckles - just in case anyone was confused, that phrase was marinated with sarcasm - my skin was pale which only made the freckles stand out further. I didn't hate them, in fact they were one of the only normal things about myself. Where as most girls were born with brown, blonde or maybe even copper locks of hair I was gifted with silver; ironically enough a very damaging element to my biological makeup; being a lycanthrope and all. Matching my hair was my eye color; many compared my irises to that of mercury when in its liquid state. Apparently my eyes had a habit of shifting in certain lights; not that I really noticed.

Today was the first day back after winter break, it was time for the last half of my final year in high school and I couldn't be more excited. Adjusting the black hoody I had on, I slip into light grey leggings and my signature dark army green vans, it was the only thing that proved I wasn't taken out of a black and white movie... okay that might be an exaggeration, I guess when I'm out of breath my cheeks and collarbone/chest area do emit a red glow. Look I never claimed to be healthy and fit, I know damn well I'm out of shape. I carried a few extra pounds, creating stretch marks along my hips and upper thighs, my breasts weren't excluded from the extra weight and accompanying marks. My stomach pooched out a bit causing me to lean into high waisted items of clothing and long loose fitting shirts. I was more comfortable that way anyways.

Looking back in the mirror I take in my round cheeks, wide eyes, and soft chin mentally scolding myself for not starting a habit of working out sooner. Shaking the thoughts out of my head I pull my hair up and into a lazy bun before grabbing my book back and leaving the room. I pass by the houses communal bathroom, the door wide open showing two of the other girls in the house brushing their teeth while another three desperately try to fix their appearances in the mirror. I frowned wondering what had all my fellow orphans suddenly caring about their looks when they were all clearly hung over from the winder bonfire that was thrown last night. I shake my head slightly amused before leaving the girl's hallway and into the coed common living spaces. A few of the guys were eating bowls of cereal while Clair, one of my few friends, sat munching on some toast.

Seeing me the red headed female jumped up and wished me a happy birthday, bringing over a plate with misshaped pancakes that vaguely took form as... "Hearts?" I question looking up from the plate too see her eager green eyes. Her smile widened as she nodded. "Well thank you." I laughed as she began to sing which grabbed the attention of the girls that walked in as well as the boys who were in the room. Together they sang causing me to blush and roll my eyes. However at the end I did send everyone small words of thanks as the morning crowd continued on their way. Clair and I walked back to where she had been sitting at the counter with two stools; one for herself and the other seemed to be calling my own buttock.

"So... any new scents?" Clair wiggles her brows, sliding over the peanut butter and syrup in my direction. With an impish smile I take the offered butter knife and begin to unscrew the cap of the delicious peanut butter. "Can you believe you can find your mate?" She whisper squealed as I placed a thin layer of peanut butter along the top of the pancakes before following up with a few lines of syrup. Trust me... this shit hits different.

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