{10} "More Than Just Claim"

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"Sexton needs to get his act together." I growled, eyes leaving the vampire's latest message. "He's a rich little spoilt prick." Zander didn't hold back his chuckle from my words, instead he stood from his own desk and walked to behind mine where his hands found my shoulders. With slow practiced movements he worked at the tense muscles, leaning down to kiss the top of my head.

"Still no progress?" Zane asked, looking over my shoulder at the printed emails from the bastard my vampire.

"No. He still wants more land in exchange for any information he has. I don't have the power to give away damn territory." I explained in a frustrated voice, rubbing at my temples I tried to relax. After a year of investigations and negotiations, the furthest I came to understanding who was orchestrating these rogue armies was the realization that He was not of this earth according to Sophie who'd since furthered in her training and could actually decipher her dreams and visions now.

"You might just have to declare it a dead end. There is a huge possibility he's actually got no idea and is just trying to bargain for land. They aren't the most trustworthy species." Zander removes his hands and walked towards his own desk. Our roles had settled in pretty easily, we were both alphas, he took more control over the disputes between packs while I dealt with disputes between species. We both worked on the underlying war coming to the forefront.

"I know. I just don't know what else to do. We've gone to a dead end." I stood from my seat and walked to the window, looking out at the snowy covered land. A year and I've gotten nowhere. Anger boiled deep in my bones but I had to reign it in; soon something will slip and I'll know what to do.


Another year and nothing, we'd encountered more rogue armies, each one getting more difficult to eliminate. Not to mention attacks from Hunters were spiking in recent months. It was terrifying, knowing that I couldn't help my people like I was meant to. Day after day, I trained, meditated, prayed, anything to call Leto forth but nothing. I believed that he was the only one that would be able to help me help my kind now.

"Hey. No plotting at dinner." Sophie's voice pierced my thoughts. Her words were accompanied by Austin tossing a piece of French bread my way. It bounced off my chest and landed on my plate, the room filled with quiet laughter that I joined in on.

"Disrespectful mutts." I teased, picking the fork up to continue eating the spaghetti Mira, Jace's mate, had made. Tonight it was the twins, Mira, Jace, Sophie, and Leah — Tyler's mate — at dinner. Tyler, Gabriel, , Madelynn, Zander and a few other warriors were out hunting a group of Hunters believed to be tracking a smaller weaker pack. Mira struggled to eat as she was busy bouncing two year old Luke up and down on her leg, while Jace was obliviously stuffing his face. Rolling my eyes, I push my own now empty plate away and reach out for Luke, immediately the little guy lit up and started reaching for me.

"Deedee!" He squealed, grabby hands still reaching out to me finally catching Mira's attention.

"Thank you, Diana." She breathed, holding him out across the table. I grabbed the little guy and tucked him on my lap while grabbing a piece of bread and handing it to him to entertain him. I placed a small kiss to his head and hummed against the soft hair. He was a rambunctious little guy, with such wide blue eyes you would think he could read into your soul.

"When will Zander be back, do you know?" Alice asked after swallowing her final bite of spaghetti. I shrugged in part, looking away from Luke to Alice.

"I'm not sure yet. They think they've pinpointed them but can't be too sure." I explained, running my hands over Luke's chubby legs as he kicked excitedly. His dad making faces across the table was pulling quite the laughter from him.

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