{4} "Dead to Me"

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"What's got your panties all up in a twist?" Sophie asks, looking up from her book as she sat in the upholstered armchair in the corner of my temporary room. Lifting a brow slightly surprised by her presence, I give a stern sounding 'tsk' before going to the connected bathroom to splash some water on my face which seemed to be flushed despite telling myself there is nothing to be flushed about.

"Can I help you, Sophie?" I ask instead of answering her finally exiting my bathroom. Now she stood, looking at me with a smile quickly fading and being replaced with a frown. "Sophie?"

"Two years ago I dreamt that Rick would be killed." Green eyes now watch my face, fear and confusion swirling in their depths. I subtly take in a deep breath, careful to keep my features calm. "I can't help but feel like I could've stopped it." Her words falter as a few tears slid down her face, which broke me into moving.

"Sophie," I hum, gently taking her into my arms, tucking her head underneath my chin. "There is nothing you could have done. It was his time; he would've gone no matter what." It had taken myself a long tine to accept that after Noah's murder. What worried me most about this though, was the time period of this vision, the same time Gracie had passed away. The rules with Oracles is once one's life has ended, the new Oracle's gifts will awaken. "Has there been any other occasions of this happening? Dreams coming true?" I prayed to the Goddess that it was a fluke a simple nightmare that happened to come true years later. Sophie was so young, she has yet to even shift; to be so young with so much responsibility would prove to be difficult.

"I mean kind of," Sophie finally spoke through some sniffles. "I dreamt that Beta Mark would refuse the title of Alpha. But everyone knew that; we all felt how he took Rick's death."  She played it down pulling away to look me in the eyes. "Why?"

"Nothing. Just curious is all." I release my hold on the small blonde girl and motion to the bathroom. "I've got to shower and get ready for bed." I watched as she nodded before disappearing out the door, the book she'd been reading abandoned on the chair. I walk over trailing my fingers over the old spine, the title too faded to read. Moving on I did as I said, grabbing the bag that had been brought it in from the truck, I get ready for bed changing into a pair of pajamas before sliding into the silk sheets of the queen bed. Staring out the window the darkened sky filled with tiny dots of light, I let myself fall into the embrace of sleep.


"Alpha?" The muffled voice through the door had me slowly lift my head from the pillow. The sun was just barely rising, making me scowl in annoyance. "Alpha? Your pack members have arrived." Quickly the annoyance fades as I jump out of bed, calling over my shoulder that I'd be out soon and to just have them settle into their rooms before meeting me in the conference room. I hear no reply but rather retreating feet, giving me the impression my message would be given.

Thirty minutes later I walk out of the room, my sliver wavy hair slicked back into a high ponytail, today I wear light pink slacks, a black belt cinching them to my waist, with a matching black long sleeved shirt, the deep 'v' exposing the curves of my breasts, defined collarbone and slim neck. Held loosely in my hand is the slacks's matching light pink almost tan, blazer. My feet were in black pumps, clicking the hardwood floor consistently as I made my way to the conference room where my members all waited for me.

"Alpha." The group voiced in a greeting as they all stood, stopping their casual conversations. They now their head in respect to which I return the favor before sending them a small smile while making my way to an empty chair. Once I sat, they too took their seats once more. All together, counting Gabe, there were five. Directly across of me sat the twins, Austin and Alice; they shared the same gorgeous bright red curly hair, their skin freckled and alabaster, their wolves were just as beautiful. To their right sat Tyler - a blonde haired blue eyed heart breaker, well if he hadn't found his mate that is - and their left was Madelyn, her dark brown hair in kinky curls framed her dark angular face her features often considered "too pretty" to be an assassin. Those words aren't often given the chance to repeat themselves. Gabriel took his seat to my right, setting his folded hands atop the desk waiting for my next move.

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