Chapter 11

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I do all my homework the next day and casually chat with Ellie on and off as usual.

It's about eight at night when Jaxon's ringtone blows up my phone repeatedly until I answer.

"If this isn't to call and say you fell and broke both your legs and you need me to immediately drive you to the hospital, I will break your legs myself."

"Woah, settle down there, I just became worried. I told you it's my last night until I leave to visit and I had something planned before I left." He chuckles.

"Worried? I didn't answer my phone in the last two minutes and you become worried?"

He scoffs, "Not only that, but I haven't gotten a text from you, haven't seen you leave your house, and fun fact, our windows are across from each other and not once have I seen your light go on."

"Stalker much?" I sing out, teasing him with his spy abilities.

"I wouldn't say 'stalker' exactly, more like protective."

I roll my eyes and he continues, "Be at my house in five?"

"Um, no, it's eight at night and I'm almost ready for bed. Plus, I'm already in my pj's." Is this guy insane? My parents aren't going to allow me to leave at this time.

"Do I really seem like the type of person to judge you if you went out in public with your pj's on? I'd probably be walking beside you in mine. Now stop being such a wuss and go ask your parents."

I groan, "What. No."

"It has come to this point I see. I'll just have to ask myself."

Before I can respond, the line goes dead and I hear my dad's phone go off.

Are you kidding me? Is he serious right now?

It's about five minutes later when my dad calls me downstairs.

"I know, I know, it's too late, I'm insane for going out at such time," I stop when I get to the bottom and see him looking back at me confused.

"You're not going out looking like that, go get changed."

Wait. What?

"Excuse me, earth to dad. Yes, hello. It's eight at night and I'm your only daughter. Do you really trust me out with someone whose father you literally just met?"

He sighs and shakes his head slowly, "Fine, don't go, but when you complain that you never get to go out with friends, I want you to know that I am giving you an opportunity now and you're not taking it."

I stare at him, wondering if he's lying, yet take this chance and dart upstairs to get dressed.

When I do arrive at Jaxon's house, it ends up being Juliet who answers the door.

"Brooklyn? What are you doing here? It's night time."

I smile softly, noticing her tired eyes.

"She's here for me Juliet. Go to sleep." Jaxon ruffles her hair and grabs car keys from the side.

Juliet eyes us both, then grins, "Is this a date?"

I laugh loudly, "No. No. No. Nooo."

"Juliet!" Jaxon scolds, giving her a look that makes me feel like she will regret saying anything later.

"Sorryyyyyyy," she drags out, still grinning, "Have fun."

She shuts the door and I cross my arms over my chest, following him to the car, "And where exactly do you think you're going to take me at this time of night?"

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