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"What the hell are we going to do?" Justin asks Zayn. They're at home, the TV on, but neither of them are watching it. Zayn is flipping through a photo album he found on one of their bookshelves. "It scares the hell out of me."

Zayn looks up. "What does, babe?"

"Niall. How I feel about him already. I just...we really cared about..." He pauses.

"Justin..." Zayn takes his hand.

"No, I..." He squeezes his eyes shut. "We really cared about Alex, Zayn, and he wasted our time. He cheated on us, and he broke our hearts, and he fucking loved him. We loved him so much, and with him, I realized wanting a third person in our lives might have been okay. But I'm scared. I don't want to get hurt again."

"I know," Zayn responds gently, kisses the back of his hand.

"Zee, when things went south with Alex, it got so bad we almost broke up. I...I don't want to lose you..." Justin's voice goes wobbly; Zayn can hear tears in the sound. 

"Jay, that won't happen. I promise you I'm not going anywhere. Even if, somewhat miraculously, things worked out with Niall and then somehow didn't, I'm not leaving you. It's been us since day one, yeah?" He kisses Justin's forehead, and as soon as Zayn's lips touch his skin, Justin's anxiety dissipates. 

"Okay," he whispers. Zayn pulls him closer into the circle of his arms, and Justin rests his head on Zayn's chest. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Zayn squeezes him tighter. "Now let's play Mario Kart so I can kick your ass."

Justin laughs. "You're an asshole."

- - -

"Have a good day," Liam tells Niall gently as he gets out of the car.

"Liam, I think I might die," Niall whispers. "They're so hot..."

"Who's so hot?" Justin's voice asks, and Liam almost laughs at how quickly the blood drains out of Niall's cheeks.

" I, um, was talking about the...heaters?"

"It's August," Zayn responds, sounding confused. "The heaters aren't on...?"

Liam facepalms. "He was talking about the Thai food he brought for lunch. He got a bunch of spicy stuff and he can't handle spicy food very well."

Niall could cry, he loves his best friend so much.

"Hmmm. Good choice," Justin says. "Thai food is awesome."

"Uh...yeah, it is. Okay, um, I'll see you later, Li. You're picking me up, right?"

Liam nods, gives Niall's hand a squeeze. Niall smooths the dress he's wearing, pink, like his cheeks. 

"He wasn't talking about Thai food, was he?" Zayn asks, eyes dark as he stares at Niall. Niall's cheeks go even pinker.

"Uh...y-yes, he was," Niall says somewhat defensively, but mostly just out of pure embarrassment.

"Yeah? What's your favorite Thai dish?" Justin asks, pushing the button for the elevator that goes up to their office. Now they're both staring at him, and Niall has no idea what to do with his hands.

"Um, what?" he questions, so distracted by their stares that he barely even heard Justin's question.

"Thai food, what's your favorite dish?"

"Um..." Niall pauses as the elevator doors open. He hadn't thought about this beforehand or he would've taken the stairs. He has no choice but to stare at Justin and Zayn for the painfully long elevator ride. "Oh! Sorry, I forgot. Um, Thai dish...favorite..." He trails off into silence. He's only had Thai food once, and he wishes Liam had picked a better lie. "Damn it," he mutters, face palming.

Justin laughs. "Yeah, thought so."

Niall pouts at him.  " still don't know what I was talking about,, my gosh," he whispers weakly as Justin moves closer, invading his personal space. His face is so close to Niall's that Niall legitimately forgets how to breathe for a minute. Then Zayn is there, too, and it gets even harder to remember.

"I think I might have an idea," Justin says in a low voice, and Niall shivers. Zayn's thumb traces Niall's lower lip, and he hisses out, "Jesus," when Niall nervously licks his lips.

"I...I, um," Niall is practically shaking. 

"Tell us to stop and we will," Justin tells him, and he repeats it until Niall nods. They don't even touch him anywhere inappropriate, Zayn's hand just runs down his side, Justin's large hands still cupping his face. 

"This fucking dress," Zayn mutters, his fingertips just barely grazing Niall's thigh. Niall's gaze goes cloudy anyway, hardly believing that his hot bosses are touching him in their work elevator. The elevator dings as it slows to a stop, and Niall's cheeks go thermonuclear as Justin and Zayn stop touching him, and he straightens his dress. "So, the Thai food?" Justin smirks.

Niall ducks his head, blushing even more, which makes Zayn laugh. They part ways, going into their offices, and Niall puts his head in his arms on his desk. He needs to call Liam, but he can barely think straight let alone speak aloud.

"Hey," Justin's voice says, and Niall snaps his head up.

"Sorry, sorry, I'll get right to work," he says quickly, starting up the computer.

"No, I was just getting some coffee...I just wanted to make sure you were okay," Justin says gently. He puts a hand to Niall's cheek. "You're a little flushed..."

His hand is so warm on Niall's cheek, Niall thinks he might die. "N-No, I'm okay...I'm totally fine...oh my gosh." Justin hasn't even done anything, his thumb is just stroking Niall's cheek. Niall's so cute Justin has to fight the urge to laugh.

"I thought you were getting coffee," Zayn says, confused when Justin returns with his mug still empty.

Justin looks down. "Fuck. I got distracted."


"Niall," Justin confirms with a loud sigh, dropping his head forward onto Zayn's shoulder. 

Baby Boy | Zustiall AU [COMPLETE]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora