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"So," Justin says as Zayn slows to a stop in front of Niall's house.

"So," Niall says back in a shy voice, chewing on his lower lip. He's anxious for some reason, doesn't know what to do.

Zayn turns around in his seat. "Did you have fun tonight?"

Niall smiles. "Yes! I had a lot of fun. Thank you so much, both you."

"Baby boy, you're so welcome," Justin says softly, turning around as well. Having both of their attention on him is overwhelming, and he stares down at his hands, picking at his nail polish.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Zayn asks softly, tapping Niall's kneecap. 

Niall looks up. "I'm -- I'm okay," he assures Zayn softly.

"Okay," Zayn smiles, eyes crinkling at the corners. Butterflies erupt in Niall's stomach and chest. "Would you like to hang out with us again, sweetheart?"

Niall pauses, holds his breath. "I..." He swallows hard. "Y-Yes," he manages, cheeks pinking adorable.

Justin, heart a fucking puddle in his chest, looks over at Zayn. Zayn's already staring back at him, gaze so, so soft. From the look on Zayn's face, he's just as much in love with Niall already as Justin is.

"I'm so happy to hear that," Justin responds, and he really does seem so happy. He's beaming, and the smile on his face makes one involuntarily appear on Niall's, too.

"Seriously, you're so fucking cute." Zayn's voice almost sounds weary and Niall manages a shy giggle. Niall's phone vibrates loudly and he fishes it out of his purse.

Liam: It's getting late, are you okay, cupcake?

Niall rolls his eyes. "Ugh...I should go. Liam's going into daddy mode."

Zayn lets out a chuckle. "Yeah...It's getting late. Let's get you inside." He gets out of the car, and Niall's cheeks go pink when Justin opens the door for him.

His blush deepened as Justin put an arm around his waist, gently leading him to the doorway. Niall fishes in his purse for his keys, and when he finds them, he fiddles with them, biting his lip.

"You have a good night, Ni, yeah?" Zayn says gently, touching the sweet boy's cheek.

"Right. Goodnight," Niall mumbles, backing up so he can unlock the door.

"Jesus Christ, Zayn. Not even gonna say goodnight properly?" Justin gently grabs Niall by the elbow, turns him to face him. Niall's heart immediately starts beating double time as soon as Justin's hand touches his cheek. He leans in close, pulling Niall closer by his hip. "Can I kiss you, baby boy?"

Niall can hardly breathe. His heart is beating so hard and he feels a bit like he's gonna pass out, or maybe even die, but then he's beaming up at Justin and then he nods.

And then -- holy shit -- Justin yanks him closer, tilts his chin up, and kisses him. Niall expects it to be a rough kiss, brutal, but Justin's kiss is incredibly gentle. His thumbs stroke Niall's cheeks, and he bites Niall's bottom lip. The sweet boy whines into Justin's mouth, and Justin pulls him closer.

"Justin," Zayn says in a low voice, gently touching Justin's shoulder. Justin breaks the kiss, and a smirk crosses his face at how red Niall's cheeks are.

"Well, now, I think I'd like a kiss, too, while we're at it," Zayn grins, and making Niall laugh, Justin grabs his face and kisses his husband. "Ew! Not from you!"

Justin smacks his arm. "How dare you say ew? We're married."

"Yeah, but I'm trying to have a magical first kiss experience, and you're ruining it."

"Well...You're ruining our marriage."

"Shut up," Zayn chuckles, elbowing Justin out of the way so he can cup Niall's face in his hands. "I know he's sort of ruined this," he begins, but surprising them both, Niall goes up on his tiptoes and presses his lips to Zayn's. Zayn lets out a surprised laugh and pulls Niall closer, kissing him deeper. 

When the kiss is broken, Niall stumbles back, eyes glassy and blushing. Justin and Zayn both let out low chuckles, and Niall's blush deepens, and he fumbles for the door handle.

"Your hands are shaking," Justin's voice says, voice smug. "You need some help unlocking the door, doll?"

Niall's cheeks go redder at the pet name, and his hands tremble more. "N-No...I can handle it!" he sounds flustered, but not unhappy, which is a good sign.

"Here. Let me help you," Zayn chuckles, taking the key from Niall's shaking hands and unlocking for him. "Go on." He gently nudges the sweet boy into the house, and Niall shyly mumbles goodnight before shutting the door.

"Do you know what time it is!?" Liam's voice calls, enraged. "It's past midnight, kiddo!"

Niall rolls his eyes. "Li-Li,  you're overreacting."

"I am not," Liam huffs, and Niall crosses the apartment to plop himself in Liam's lap. Liam shifts so he can ruffle Niall's hair gently. "How was it, cutie?"

"It was great! We went mini-golfing," he giggles. "And uh...they...they kissed me at the end..." he blushes when he says it, and Liam lets out a loud laugh at the slightly embarrassed expression on his face. "It was great," he says again, giggling.

"Aw, kiddo, I'm so happy for you." Liam kisses his temple. "I want you to be happy, so if they make you happy, I'm happy."

Niall snuggles closer to Liam and yawns. "They do. So far so good," he says in a small voice.

"Don't fall asleep on me," Liam warns, knowing his best friend.

"But you're comfy," Niall whines, and with a fond head shake, Liam tosses Niall over his shoulder and dumps him in his bed. Niall rouses himself enough to remember to plug his phone in, and when he does so, a notification comes up on the screen.

Justin: Have a good night, cutie pie. We had a great time tonight. Can't wait to see you in the office tomorrow.

Justin: PS please wear that dress I like. ;)

Niall buries his face in his pillow to keep from squealing aloud.

Baby Boy | Zustiall AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now