What The Hell?

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Chapter 17 - What The Hell?


Dave woke up to his doorbell ringing incessantly. He had managed to sleep just two hours ago and then his doorbell had started it's annoying ringing.

He chanced a glance at the clock hung up high on the wall.

The doorbell rung again.

"Hold your horses for God's sake."

Throwing his covers aside he slipped into his slippers and opened the door.

Tessa stood in front of him in a wrinkled suit, her hair disheveled, dark circles under her red eyes. Her lips pursed and angry lines etched on her forehead.

"What the hell, Tess?"

"You're right!" She pushed past him and into his living room. "What the hell Dave?"

"What?" Closing the door he turned to see her, she was nowhere to be seen.

Tess came out of the kitchen with a bottle of Grey Goose and a shot glass.

At first he hadn't seen anything past her face and her dress.

Now that she was seated on one of his dining chairs downing 4 shots of his favorite vodka as if it was water, he saw a big fat file on the table.

He sat on a chair beside hers and grabbed the file.

David Miles 

"You have a file on me?" He asked.

"Of course I do. I need every arsenal I can use. " She said as she pushed the glass aside and now stuck the bottle to her mouth.

"And I thought you would've changed , you know. I thought, he wouldn't lie to me. He wouldn't lie to the girl who he would say, 'You can trust me, Tess.'" She took another swig "I do. I trust you to run me straight into the ground."

Dave snatched the bottle from her and kept it out of her reach.

"It's six in the morning Tess."

"I don't give a fuck." She growled. "You lied to me. You wanna know how I coped up after you kicked me out of your house. This is how." Dave winced as she yelled and tried to snatch the bottle back but he pushed it away further from her reach

"Please don't drink Tess." He said softly.

She looked up at him and then nodded, "Fine."

"Now, tell me what happened?"

She snorted, "You tell me what happened? Tell me why you quit the job. Tell me that you weren't in on the things going on there. Tell me that you didn't know about the trafficking that happened under your nose. Tell me that the patient you did a surgery on wasn't missing his organs five hours after he was declared dead. That he didn't need a goddamn heart surgery in the first place." She was clearly shouting but Dave was stunned.

How the hell did she come to know about this?


"How do I know this? I know this because I know when you lie. That twitch in your jaw every single fucking time you lie. I know you like the back of my hand, Dave. I did my research when I knew I wouldn't get the truth from you"

She sat slumped in the chair. "All this time, I thought, he's changed, he wouldn't lie to me. But you did. You do it every single time. And you'll do it time and time again. " She took a deep breath "It's not about my career. Even if I lose, not that I will, I have many a cases to win back what I'll lose with yours."

  "You went behind my back?" He asked, his voice cold enough to freeze the room.

"Yes I did. Because I have a job to do. That's to save your ass. I did what I did because I do not like surprises in court. I don't wanna know things about the case in the court and then look at you questioningly where you just nod and dig a deeper hole for yourself. I did it because I still fucking care. I care and I hate myself for it."

She stood up to leave.

Dave stood up too but he didn't know what to do.

"I don't think it matters Tess, it's in the past."

"I told you to tell me everything Dave. I knew that day, Zachary was about to tell me something when you cut him off. It doesn't matter what you think because last I checked, I was the lawyer. If I was down with something and lied to you about one symptom that happened in my past, wouldn't that affect your diagnosis. History is important whether it be a patient or a victim."

She sighed. She looked so tired that Dave felt a pang of hurt in his chest.

"It is for me to decide what is relevant and what is irrelevant."

"I'm sorry." He muttered

"I'm too. I'm sorry that I give a fuck Dave. I'm sorry that I met you, in the first place. I'm sorry about a lot of things because I don't think I like who I've become. I may not be sorry about the things you said to me because now I know I cannot trust even a single person. I know that I've only myself to trust. And I thank you for it."

She turned and started walking towards the door and Dave couldn't help but follow her.

"It's good that I have a day to sort this out. It's no big deal to get you out of this, I had cases worse than this."

She placed her hand on the door handle to pull it but she just stood there frozen. Dave wanted to do something but what could he do? He had already hurt her enough.

She turned to face him.

"You know what hurts? Is that I never could forget you. And even after you said those things to me, even after you
made me feel small, even after you literally threw me out of your house, I still fucking loved you"

As the last word escaped her lips, Dave couldn't stop himself.

Before she could turn, he grabbed her by her shoulders, pinned her to the door and crushed his lips to hers.


I'm on a roll, ain't I?

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- Nami

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