One Long Night

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Chapter 19 - One Long Night


By the time Dave realised that he was still sitting on the floor, it had been an hour. Tess had walked out of his door which felt ... final. It felt like she had just shut the door on him and never to let him back in her life.

Dave stood up and his pager beeped.

He couldn't do anything but dive into his patients and surgery and paperwork and whatever he could find to keep himself busy.

He picked up two mints from his kitchen drawer to mask the smell of the vodka. Even though he just had a sip, he couldn't take a risk of people saying that the doctor comes to the hospital drunk.

For twelve hours straight Dave found himself knee deep in patients. He even stole one hour of clinical duty from Karina and that woman might as well have kissed him right there for that.

It was nine by the time he was done. Parking his car in the garage, he got out and opened the door to his house only to see stars as something pummeled his face.

"What the fuck did you do now?" He heard the familiar angry voice.

"Go easy on him, sugar."

"Like Tess did?" She retorted

"We should lis- Alexis, stop it." When Dave sat up on the walkway and looked through his right eye, he saw Logan barely able to hold back his woman.

She elbowed her husband in the ribs who bent, clutching his stomach with an oomph and then punched Dave right in the jaw.

"Okay, woman. Enough of that. You stop it right now or I'll haul your ass back to the car." Logan threatened.

"If you want your balls attached to your body, you stay the hell away from me." Lexi snapped back.

She punched Dave right in the nose and then grabbed a handful of his hair and bashed it into the ground.

"Honey, dont-" and the rest of the world cut off as he was engulfed into darkness.


Dave woke up to a room spinning and he shook his head. And growled as the pain shot at the back of his head.

He rubbed a hand through his hair and winced at the pain. His hand came with a slight blood.

"Still bleeding?" A gruff voice asked and he got up to see Logan sitting at the foot of the bed. He didn't understand why Logan was there.

His bedroom door opened with a bang and his sister in law walked in with two bottles of beer, a cup of coffee, a bag of ice, a wet towel and ibuprofen.

When Dave raised an eye at everything she carried with ease she rolled her eyes and said, "I used to be a waitress at this food joint before I inherited everything."

Dave frowned. He didn't know what she was talking about but let it go.

Logan grabbed a beer bottle. Lexi handed the tablets and coffee to Dave. She pretty much shoved the bag of ice in his face and Dave's head banged against the headboard.

"Aww, honey did that hurt?" She asked mockingly.

"Kinda" he murmured

"Good. I meant it to." She said and sat beside him pulling him forward.

She wiped the wet towel over the back of his head, wiping the blood, he guessed.

"What happened?"

"My wife went ninja on your ass." Logan mused.

"Where did you learn to hit like that?" Dave asked.

"When you're fourteen and a drunk foster parent tries to force himself on you, you learn things like how to break his fucking nose?"

"Fuck, baby." Logan sighed. "C'mere." Lexi dropped the towel on the bedside table and walked over to Logan.

"I'm not some fragile kid." She said but hugged him nonetheless.

"Wait a minute. The story doesn't adds up. Tess told me your mom died when she was fifteen."

"Yes. Her mom died when she was fifteen. My mom died when I was thirteen."

"But you're sisters!" He scowled

"That's not the point. The point is Lexi threw you around like a rag doll." Logan steered the conversation and pointedly looked at Dave to let it go.

"Yeah, I remember that" he snapped at Logan taking the hint. " But what I'm asking is why did you hit me? What happened?"

"You hurt my sister again. That's what happened." She said as Logan pulled her on his lap.

"I didn't do anything."

"Yeah. My sister is a psycho. She goes around drinking and -" Lexi was cut mid-sentence by Logan.

"Tess is hurt pretty bad. What happened between you two?"

"Well, she came here and started yelling about the case." Dave said as he rubbed his temple. " And she was going to leave. She said she loved me. I couldn't let her walk out like that. I just couldn't let her go. So I kissed. We kissed." He corrected later. " And than her boyfriend called. And she left." He whispered the last part as what happened finally registered in his mind.

She left. She left him alone. She was the only chance he had of retribution, of proving himself that he wasn't his father. She was the only one that could handle him. And the woman had left him. For another."

"Yeah, she broke up with Dan, too." Logan said and took a swig from his bottle.

"And she - "Lexi started but Logan cut her again. " - drank herself to sleep."

"I -"

"No." Logan said with finality and Lexi shut up. She knew better than to argue when Logan used that tone. Actually, as much as Dave could remember, whenever Logan used that tone, he would end up on his knees apologizing. Then why did Lexi shut up this time?

"Is something wrong with her?"

"Nothing's wrong with Tess. I'm sorry sugar but just don't, please." He said to Lexi.

"Why was she yelling at you, Dave?"

Dave sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Brace yourselves. This is going to be a one long night."


The big secret is going to be revealed...

But then I'm thinking..

Not yet. After all I'm a sadist.
(*Laughing evilly)

Actually the secret's gonna be a secret for a few more chapters I guess. Poor Dave has to shoulder the burden for a few more chapters... 😢

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- Nami

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