You can't ignore us forever

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He got up and hopped down stairs on his crutches, he had his photo album in his hand and threw it in a black garbage bag and threw it in the kitchen bin.

The next morning, Joey was cooking breakfast when he noticed something sticking out of the bin. He opened the bin and pulled out the garbage bag, he looked inside and found Jesse's album, at that point Joey knew what the dreams about now.

Joey showed Danny the album and shared his ideas about why Jesse would throw it away.

"That does make sense, he's has been taking it hard. At thanksgiving he was still pretty upset, so I think he's been holding it in so the girls wouldn't get sad". Said Danny

"Ok, I think we should take him to someone who knows more about what's going on". Said Joey

After discussing what they should do. They decided to book a appointment with kimmy gibbler's mum (who was a therapist).

When Jesse came down stairs for breakfast. Danny said

"Jesse kimmy stole your guitar, again".

"What! Ok I'll get dressed, then get my guitar back". Said Jesse

At the gibbler residence.

'Knock, knock, knock'

Kimmy opened the door and said

"Ah, Jesse you're here for your guitar".

"Yes". Said Jesse

"Follow me". Said kimmy, leading him to her mother's office.

After, reaching kimmy's mum office kimmy locked Jesse inside with her mum.

"Kimmy, open this door right now". Yelled Jesse

"Sorry Jesse, but this is for your own good". Said kimmy leaving

"Kimmy?, Kimmy, kimmy!?!". Said Jesse

"Excuse me, Jesse". Said kimmy's mum

"Hi, who are you?". Asked Jesse

"I'm Angela, kimmy's mum. I'm also a therapist". Said Angela

"Let me guess, Danny and Joey booked an appointment for me to see you because they think I'm going nuts". Said Jesse. "Well I'm fine, just working on a song about Pam, I mean I mean".

"I'm guessing this is about your sister, Pam?". Asked Angela

Jesse, sat down on a couch near the therapist

"No". Said Jesse

"You know, I knew Pam, because of kimmy meeting DJ and she was a wonderful person, i could talk to her about anything and she always helped me if I needed it, but I want to talk about the Pam you knew". said Angela

"My sister was the best, and if I was there maybe I could of done something, i could've stopped her from getting in that taxi, I could've driven her home". Said Jesse, with tears in his eyes. "I was at my place with my girlfriend and then I got a call me, they told me that my sister got in a car accident and I was the first one there".

"Ok, then doctor came out and told you she was dead, is that right?". Asked Angela

"Yeah, I was the one who had to tell everyone she was dead. At the time I wanted it to be a dream, but it wasn't and now I'm having these nightmares, about me being blamed for the accident by Pam". Said Jesse sadly

"Jesse? I think I know what's going on. You feel guilty for her death, it explains the nightmares". Said Angela "But you know you had nothing to do with her death and she loved you, right?".

"How do I get rid of the guilt?". Asked Jesse

"You need to go to her tombstone mentally and spiritually say you're sorry". Said Angela

"How do I do that?". Asked Jesse

"I'm sorry Jesse but that's one question that I can't answer, you need to figure that out for yourself". Said Angela. "You you can even say sorry by letting out your inner demons and talking about your feelings".

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