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"Ok thanks Angela". Said Jesse, grabbing his crutches

"No worries, I'm here if you want to talk". Said Angela

After Jesse's appointment, he was still angry with Joey and Danny for tricking him, so Jesse tried to avoid them all day. But Danny and joey weren't going to be ignored, especially when they knew Jesse was in pain.

"Jesse, you can't ignore us forever". Said Joey

"I know, but I can try". Said Jesse

"Jesse, we saw you in pain. And we couldn't stand it". Said Danny

"Look, thanks for the help, but you had no right to trick me and this is my problem, so but out". Said Jesse, going to his room

"Maybe, we should give him some time before cornering him with questions". Said Danny

"Yeah, besides maybe we should ask the therapist what they talked about?". Asked Joey

"No, give him time and space, then we'll talk to him". Said Danny

At lunch, Jesse made himself PBJ sandwich. He didn't want to think about Danny or joey or his sister, after lunch he just wanted to go upstairs and practice his music.

DJ and Stephine came down for Lunch, they didn't know about Jesse's nightmares but they did know he was in pain. They could sense it. So they decided to talk to to him.

"Uncle Jesse, we need to talk". Said Stephane

"What's up?". Asked Jesse

"We know you're in pain". Said DJ

"We want to know why you're so upset". Said DJ

"Girls I'm not upset". Said Jesse

"Fine, if it's going to be this way". Said DJ, taking Jesse's crutches

"My crutches, girls bring them here right now!". Said Jesse

"No tell us what's up, then we'll give you're crutches". Said DJ

"Uncle Jesse, don't you trust us?". Asked Stephane

Jesse knew that the longer he put off talking about Pam and mourning, the more it was going to hurt.

"Ok, I miss Pam". Said Jesse with tears in his eyes. "I don't know why, but I feel guilty about her death and I I I don't know how to say sorry, I didn't want to tell you girls about this, because I didn't want you to get sad and I wanted to be strong but".

Jesse was interrupted when Stephane and DJ starting hugging him. He cried into their shoulder, until he was ready to talk about the nightmares. For Jesse it was like this big weight was finally lifted off his shoulders, the had nightmares stopped and the guilt of Pam's death slowly, but surely disappeared.

"Joey, Danny I'm sorry for not telling you". Said Jesse

"We probably would've done the same". Said Joey

"Besides it wasn't our place to tell you how to deal with pain". Said Danny

"Yeah, but you were right". Said Jesse. "And you were only looking out for me, like family should. From now on I'll tell if something's up".

"Thanks Jesse". Said Danny

Life was finally normal in the tanner house once more,

The end

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