Chapter 10 - Dirty Politicians and Unexpected Offers

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A Few Days Later

Max’s POV

‘I DIDN’T KILL HER!’ I screamed, banging my closed fist on the table, a loud bang echoing through the small room.  

‘We know that you killed her,’ the man said strongly, pointing to the files in front of him, laid out on the steel table.

‘No, it’s not possible!’

The blonde woman standing on the other side of the interview room just laughed at my words. 

‘My partner and I’ she said, motioning towards the attractive hark haired man sitting at the table then to herself, ‘Have found not only your fingerprints at the scene, but we found the medical files’

‘What files?’ I asked and the man pulled out a form.

‘She was pregnant.’

‘What?’ I asked, disbelief in my face.

‘That’s why you killed her, wasn’t it?’ The woman accused, leaning down towards me as she spoke, ‘Because she was carrying your child, and you couldn’t let her have your love child’

‘No, that didn’t happen, that child is not mine.’

‘She was going to expose your cheating ways wasn’t she? Come out to the public and say the baby was yours?’ The man said and I jumped up from the table, pacing around the room.

‘I didn’t cheat on my wife.’

‘A big shot Politian like you, a scandal like this would have ruined your career, your future.’

‘I didn’t kill that woman!’

‘Then why do we have your finger prints in her apartment?’

‘Ok,’ I sighed, ‘I slept with her, but I would never kill the girl’ I told them, sitting back down.

‘No, she was going to expose you, and I get it,’ the man said, ‘you had to shut her up, she needed to stop, she was going to have your child.’

‘SHE WAS GOING TO RUIN EVERTHING!’ I yelled, ‘My marriage, my career!’

I put my head in my hands, ‘I had to,’ I cried and the man closed the folder walking silently out of the room.

‘CUT!’ The director yelled and the lights suddenly became brighter, the people around the set all started talking and going over details.

I was playing a Politian whose assistant is murdered in her home, and it is discovered that I killed her after she became pregnant and threatened to tell my wife. The man and woman acting alongside me were the protagonists of the show, they played two married detectives who solve crime and raise their children, trying to keep the balance of family and work life. Cameron Hex played the male detective and Kelly Fox played the other detective on the long running show, ‘Murder and Marriage’.

When I had told Ryan that I was working with Cameron Hex he had told me that they were friends, and that they had been quite close up until the time he started dating Claudia. Ryan painted him as a kind man who had a passion for acting, but was also quite level headed and mature for his age. He was twenty-four but he played a twenty-eight year old in the show.

I got up from that uncomfortable seat and the actress playing the woman detective came over to me.

‘Good job today Max’, she smiled.

‘Thank-you Kelly, it is a real pleasure to be able to work with you and Cameron.’

‘Pleasures all ours Max,’ Cameron appeared beside me and patted my arm, ‘By the way, I am going to be at the ‘Bombs’ premiere, I’m looking forward to it.’

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