Chapter 19 - Threats of Love and Loss

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Ryan’s POV

I eyed the reporters outside the restaurant as I approached it, acknowledging that someone must have tipped them off for so many reporters and camera men to be outside of a random restaurant in Hollywood. They seemed to be taking photos, and I wondered of what, but when I was close enough I recognised the shape of my ‘girlfriend’, her short black dress showing enough cleavage to almost be indecent exposure, and she had her hand up as she spoke to the reporters, as if showing off a bracelet or a ring. She spoke with a smile on her bright red lips, her bleached hair was down and straight.

I straightened my jacket as I approached, aware that I wasn’t as dressed up as the woman I was walking towards. As I approached some of the crowd noticed and whooped, seemingly excited at my arrival. I smiled and waved to them, as I always did.

Claudia waved me over to her, as she stood just in front of the large doors of the entrance. I had expected her to take my hand and to pull me into the establishment, however the second I was close enough, she was all over me, her hand around my waist and her body pressed against my side. She whispered a hello in my ear and gave the cameras another smile before pressing her lips to mine and forcing me into an open mouthed kiss.

As soon as she stopped her assault on my poor lips, I grabbed her hand and led her into the restaurant. The woman who greeted us led us to a small door, where we were lead to a private table, a table which would seat four, but was set for two. The table was covered by a white cloth, expensive looking cutlery and glasses set out for us. The private room was one of the reasons I liked it here, we didn’t have to act like a couple as we ate, with no fear of cameras destroying what small privacies we had left whenever we were out in public together.  

I wondered what to start with, but all thoughts were wiped from my mind we sat down and I saw the diamond ring on her left ring finger. I calmed myself until the girl had left and when we were alone I met her eyes.

‘Uh, so please explain to me why the press thinks that we are engaged? Also, what the hell is on your hand?’ I said, probably a bit harsher than I had intended, but she didn’t seem to be fazed by that.

She smiled at me casually, ‘We are engaged.’

She said the words so casually that I couldn’t help but gawk at her. ‘Did I get into some car accident I was unaware of, and now I am suffering from a very specific form of brain damage?’

‘What?’ she asked confused.

‘Well, I somehow, don’t remember actually asking you to marry me!’

Her composure remained and she stood, ‘I am going to the restroom, I will explain soon.’

This is ridiculous! Maybe I have been drugged?

Yes! Maybe I am hallucinating and this is not really happening!


This is real.

I tapped my fingers nervously against the table as I waited for her to get back.

Why does Claudia think we are engaged?

I was pulled from my thoughts as she came back into the room and took a seat.

‘Please, for the love of god, EXPLAIN THIS!’ I asked of her and she looked at me like was crazy.

‘Come on Ryan, I just sat down, can’t I explain while we eat?’ She asked casually, her eyes searching the menu in front of her.

I ripped the menu from her hands and placed it on the table next to me.

Hollywood Politics {BoyxBoy}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora