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A few months later...

Jake was doing up his tie, it wasn't often he had to wear a suit. Usually only for weddings, funerals....court appearances. Today was one such occasion. He was going to court to be sentenced for his crime. He looked at himself in the mirror to see if he thought he looked smart enough. He decided he did. He picked up his jacket off the back of the chair, he didn't need to wear it just yet. He bent down and picked up his holdall. He'd packed everything he thought he would need. There was a very strong chance he was going to prison today. He was appearing at the crown court so that wasn't a good sign, but he had been lucky enough to get bail.

Jake had admitted full responsibility for the crime immediately when interviewed and was going to plead guilty today in court. His lawyer seemed hopeful for a suspended sentence due to Jake admitting his guilt right from the start, pleading guilty, and showing adequate remorse. Jake had felt bad about the whole thing, the young boy dying. It had kept him awake at night. But if he was honest he was still more upset over losing Cindy than anything else. She refused to speak to him and worse still that damn bitch Mandy continued to harass him and was asking for money from him for their daughter. Like he really needed all that right now! He repeatedly told the bitch to fuck off and she would ignore him time and time again

Jake took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. There was no good in getting wound up over this today, he had to focus on the court and try to get a light sentence if he could. He was scared at the prospect of prison, he wasn't sure how he could handle that. He was quite a tough young man, went to the gym, did a bit of bodybuilding, and could handle himself in a fight. He was pretty sure he would be able to look himself physically in there but it was the mental and emotional side of it that scared him

There was a knock on the bedroom door. It was his mother reminding him that it was time to go soon and asking if he wanted any breakfast. Jake said that he simply could not eat this morning, he felt too sick. His mother was concerned, feeling that he really should eat something, so he agreed to let her make him some toast. But when he sat down to eat it he could only manage a few mouthfuls

Finally, they left for court. His father drove. Jake sat in the back of the car and watched the world go by out the window. He wondered would the next time he saw the free world be from the window of the van as he was driven to a prison, and if so how long until he would be out free again? Yes, he was damn scared, he couldn't help it.

When they arrived at court, his lawyer had a few words with him in a side room prior to sentencing

''Just say you're sorry, show remorse. It's going to go in your favour if you show as much remorse as you can'' He told Jake

Jake was not really listening at this point, he could not take much in. He just felt so terrified

He and his parents sat for what felt like forever in the waiting area. Eventually, Jake was called into court. His parents hugged him and wished him luck as they went to court. Jake was put in the dock, while his parents sat in the public gallery. Jake noticed a hostile-looking man and woman also sitting in the public gallery, glaring angrily at him. He figured they were the dead boy's parents. It seemed to him that they hated him and they wanted to kill him. In fact, if looks could kill he would be dead now. But who could blame them? He understood why they would hate him and he'd feel the same in their shoes, well he guessed he would anyway.

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