Chapter Ten

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Scott's P.O.V

"So what're you doing for your anniversary?" Falon asks as we sit at the table waiting for my Mom to finish cooking. It's been a day since the incident and my Dad and Abby aren't home yet. My Mom was pretty pissed that Dad left Daniel in a jail cell overnight but she at least understands why it had to be done. Besides, my Dad promised he and Abby would pick up Daniel after they got finished working.

"I don't know man," I say covering my face as I think about Abby and I'd anniversary that's going to be in a few days. "I feel like I've been brainstorming what to do for this anniversary ever since our last anniversary. What idiot decided to make anniversaries ever month?"

"Stop whining," Falon says rolling his eyes at me. "It's only every month for the first yet. After that anniversaries are only once a year."

"But it's still a lot of stress to think about."

"If I can bleed out of my 'gina once a month," Anna says suddenly walking into the room. "Then you can brainstorm what you're going to do for your girlfriend once a month."

"Babe," Falon whines as he looks over at her. "I thought I told you to stop bringing your period up into everything."

"And I thought I told you," she crosses her arms over her chest. "That unless you magically start bleeding out of your penis don't tell me when I can bring up my period. I don't care how many problems you guys have, I have a problem once a month for seven days straight."

"But guys have kidney stones-"

"Oh cry me a river," Anna says rolling her eyes at Falon again. "Women have Kidney stones too, it's just more common among men. Also that's a thing that happens every once in a while, imagine having to have a kidney stone once a month every year."

"I don't wanna argue with you about this anymore."

"Falon we weren't arguing, it's the truth."

"It's your opinion babe."

"My opinion is right."



"But nothing," Falon sighs as his shoulders slump slightly. "You're right."

I laugh at my very whipped brother as Anna switches to a different subject and he stares at her intently, obviously listening very closely to what she's saying. I wonder if that's how Abby and I look to other people when we're out in public. I mean when we get the chance to be together out in public, which hasn't been much lately with all the work that she's been doing.

"So you seriously don't know what you're doing for her yet?" Anna asks once her and Falon stop their bickering.

"I know I'm a terrible boyfriend," I groan as I rub my forehead with the back of my hand. "I'm just terrible at stuff like this."

"You aren't a terrible boyfriend," Anna says trying to make me feel better. "Extremely over dramatic yes, but either way it's not like you have I do anything super big for her. Save the big ideas for your one year anniversary, just do something simple now."

I nod, hoping I can trust Anna's words. I don't like the anxiety of having to plan things, especially for Abby. It's not like she's picky about stuff or anything like that, cause she's not, but I always like trying to impress her and our anniversary seems like the day to do it.

"Dinner's ready," my Mom's voice rings through the dining room as she walks in carrying a pot. I stand up and walk into the kitchen to help set the rest of the food on the table.

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