Not Here for your Entertainment

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As we walked towards  Clarke's pack house Ryan took off his hoodie and handed it to me. "Cover yourself up Lilly." I shoved his hoodie right back to him. "No thanks Ryan. But hey, if you are looking for someone to play with in the next three months hit me up." With a smirk I winked at him. As I tried to walk foreword he grabbed my arm and roughly spun me around. "You don't understand Lilly. There are a bunch of unmated males at the house. They will take advantage of you."

"Let them Ryan. I have three months left to live because of you. I'm going to use that time to have fun. So, you can go screw yourself because I have been done with dealing with my wolf's whiny bull shit about you for the past few years." I knew Clarke could hear us so I ran to catch up to him. Of course since I was wearing only a sports bra as a shirt his eyes wandered a bit. Even Alpha's were still men.

"Like what you see Hunt?" Part of me knew it was childish to start playing him like this, but I really wanted to get under Ryan's skin. "Oh I like what I see very much Adams. You pick some of those dance moves up in Europe?" With a slight movement of my hip I bumped into him. Slowly I leaned into his ear. "I learned a lot more than dance moves in Europe." I whispered in a slight seductive tone. His deep chuckle rumbled through the woods making my skin vibrate a bit. "Now those tricks I would like to see."

Right then and there I did something I've never done before. I knew he was an Alpha, and even though we had kissed before, this was new. I swept right in front of him and brought his lips down to mine. In that moment the slightest of sparks ran through my body. His lips molded against mine in a sweet and caring way. I could feel Jules heart flutter and sink at the same time. The thing I hated about being a werewolf was the fact that half of my emotions were controlled by a boy crazy beast. "Maybe another day Hunt."

Ryan loudly groaned as I just raised my eyebrows at him in a challenging way. He literally ran and pulled me away from Clarke. "Maybe you should stop trying to seduce an Alpha. It's getting really annoying and doesn't reflect well on you or your family." First of all how dare he say that. Second of all, he can go take his dick and shove it up his ass! He lost the right to care about how I act the moment he rejected me. Jules was whimpering at his touch and begged me to kiss him again. "Well hey, if you are getting annoyed by how I'm acting maybe you shouldn't have rejected me."

"Lilly, I've said this before and I'll say it again. I'm sorry." One of two things could happen here. One, I could forgive him, hook up with him, and let him mark me. Granted I have no idea if that would prevent my death, but it was an option. Or option two, I could not forgive him, and die. Do I want to die? Hell no! But am I going to go into a relationship with the man who put me in this situation to begin with? Absolutely not! "Listen Ryan, saying sorry isn't going to change anything. If I looked like I do now and acted how I do now in high school, you wouldn't have rejected me. So, for the next three months I'll be your little play thing if you want to hook up. Hell, I really don't care how you treat me. However, you and your wolf can go suck a hot one if you ever think I will run back to you."

If I could take a moment to describe the rage on his face as I called him out I would. There were no words to describe it except to say that he was obviously holding his wolf back. With victory in my pocket I turned to face Alpha Hunt. "Thanks for the offer Alpha Hunt to join you guys for lunch, but I'm sure my family would like to see me before I kick the can." I didn't wait for a response as I patted his shoulder and walked away. As I broke out of the woods I let my feet carry me home. Often when I ran the world never bothered me. As I got closer to my death though it was all I thought about.

I haven't been scared about my death for a while. Jules was deathly afraid, but she held onto hope that we would find our second chance at happiness. Maybe he was out there somewhere waiting for us. Maybe he was with his mate living a happy life. The crazy thought was that maybe he was just a few towns over. Of course my mind drifted to Clarke. Any woman would be lucky to be mated to him.

As I came to the steps of the house I could see Dad talking with Lance and our packs Alpha. By the time I caught Lance's warning gaze Dad saw me and opened the door. "Lilly, we were just talking about you." Of freaking course they were. Ever since I left I guess I became the problem child. "I hope it's good." I said as I walked in. Now, remember, I just came back from a run and was still in running clothes my dad would disprove of. My Alpha was standing in our living room.

Normally if the Alpha was here I would be a bit more presentable. Instead I just took my hair out of its hair tie. "What were you guys talking about?" Dad, Lance, and our Alpha exchanged glances. Eventually our Alpha spoke up. "Lilly, we are concerned about your, activities with Alpha Clarke Hunt and his Beta Ryan Eaton." You know, for once I would love to be the subject of a conversation that didn't revolve around my lack of love life.

"Don't worry. It's just a bit of teasing fun." I know that you should never EVER dismiss yourself in the presence of an Alpha, but I went up to my room. What could they do to me? Make me a rogue? I am already dead.

Running out of Time (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now