I Will Swallow My Pride

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"Ryan, don't. Not after all this time." I said as I tried to pull away by lightly pushing on his chest. His grip on me tightened as he pulled me closely and chastely kiss my lips. "Lilly, I can't just let you die for my mistake. It took you fleeing that lunch room for me to realize what I did. Please, let me save you. Let me try to fix what I did so we can be the mates we were meant to be." His deep brown eyes were starting to gloss over like he was about to cry.

"Ryan, I have just over two months left. I just want to have as much fun as possible. I want to leave my family happy memories of me." His hand moved from my arm to my cheek. His fingers pushed a lock of my red hair behind my hair. "Then let me make those two months the best of your life. Two months with you is a lot less then we should have had, but at least it's time." These were the words part of me always wanted to hear. I could just say yes, but then what would those years away have been for?

"Goodnight Ryan." Then suddenly we were back in high school. As I got out of the car he shouted, "Please, think about it. I couldn't live with myself if you died." Once the door was closed he drove away. Just like in all those cheesy movies I waited until he was around the corner to go inside. The tingling of his kiss still lingered on my lips. If he had done that back in school I would be telling a different story. Hell, we would probably have our own kids by now. Deep down I wanted what he offered, but I had to be strong. He threw me to the side like I was a piece of trash and I had to remember that.

I was right though about who was in the house. Dad didn't even look up from his computer and just kept working as I came in. It wasn't like he completely stoped working after mom died. He has just been working from home. I think it's partly because he isn't ready to go back yet, but also partly because he wants to spend as much time with the daughter who left for years while he still can.

"Do I want to know why Ryan Eaton was driving you home tonight?" Now, I told dad everything. He had helped me make every big decision in my life. "Lexa found her mate and Ryan offered a ride since it's cold." Dad let a small laugh loose. Actually, it was the most he's laughed since mom. "Didn't want to ruin the new shoes?" Honestly it was good to hear him laugh so I felt no guilt about releasing a small laugh of my own. "You know me so well."

It was kind of reliving to take off my outfit and put on my hoodie and a pair of leggings once I got to my room. From up here I could still hear dad typing away so I went back down stairs. Once I grabbed a water bottle I went back to sit on the couch by dad. "What did Ryan want though? You two were in the car for a while before he left."

"He said he wants to try and save me. Aperently he thinks that he can fix what he did. Bastard even was about to cry." Dad never stopped typing. He just nodded a bit in understanding. "Isn't this the part where you tell me that because you're my father you want to see me live a long life?"

"You're right, I am your father." He started as he closed his laptop. He looked me dead in the eyes. His eyes had wrinkles and bags that weren't there before. It was like over the past few weeks he aged twenty years. "It's because I am your father I'm not going to tell you what to do. I trust you to make your own choices. It's not like I'll be alone if you decide not to try and fix things with Ryan. I'll still have your brother and sister. It's because I'm your father that I just want you to die happy."

It was my turn to let tears gloss over my eyes. Sometimes it seamed that my dad was wiser than our Alpha. Somehow he always knew just what to say, and tonight was no exception. It was because of his words I knew I couldn't let Ryan try and save me. I grew too much to let high school risk repeating itself. So, after hugging my dad I went upstairs to bed.

Not one tear fell over Ryan Eaton.

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