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Front Page

Gideon Prewett leaned against a stone wall a few steps from the Tower of London, overlooking the bridge. The Thames was lit by street lamps that reflected off the surface. Gideon was dressed in muggle clothes. Across the court where he stood, there came a man with his hands in his pockets. He stepped up beside Gideon and leaned against the wall, as well. "It's been awhile," the man commented when he reached Gideon's side.

Gideon nodded, then turned, "There were some complications at work in the winter," he replied. He paused, then, "But I do have a tip for you."

The other man shifted and the light caught on his shiny police badge, pinned to his chest.

"Do you know the town of Godric's Hollow?"

"Sure. Small town, bit odd."

Gideon leaned against the wall again, this time back-to the river and he stared at the police officer standing next to him. "There's a bloke there - last name Dante. I know a kid, trustworthy kid, that says there's a connection to some guy by the name of Little J?"

The policeman's eyes flashed. "Little J. You don't say?"

Gideon nodded. "Owes him some money, apparently. Dante sold a used motorbike to a minor, far over the fair asking price, looking to make the quid he owes this Little J bloke."

The police officer shook his head.

"Dante's also using LSD - sunshine. The kid I spoke to says Dante drugged him, says he took advantage of a young boy."

The officer's eyes grew cold. "We've been waitin' for a connection to Little J for a long while. We'll get your guy and see if we can't work out a deal to get ours, too."

Gideon stood upright and patted the officer on the shoulder, "Good man." And they both walked away - the officer climbing the steps past the Tower of London and Gideon down the alley to the left, walking along the Thames until he'd gone a way off from where they'd met - looked about for anyone watching and, seeing he was alone - disapparated with a CRACK!

It was no coincidence that Ace Dante was placed under arrest within the next three days. No coincidence at all.

Three teenage wizards - James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin - and a teenage witch - Lily Evans - were taken into custody by the Ministry for Magic last night after reports came in of muggles sighting flying vehicles in the skies over London. Hundreds of muggles returning from late night events and revelries reported seeing a car and a motorbike in the sky. The local police office was flooded with tellyphone calls from muggles claiming to have spotted the vehicles. Aurors moved quickly to take the rebellious teenagers into custody. The muggles memories have been modified and aurors are on the lookout to find any witnesses they may have missed in their initial obliviation sweep of the area. Muggle newspapers have released false news that the objects spotted in the sky were meteors and nothing to be alarmed about. If you hear of any muggles that may have witnessed the vehicles, please contact the Aurors Office at the Ministry for Magic. Severe warnings have been issued to the four teenageres involved.

Peter stared at the newspaper with awe.

There was no mistaking Remus Lupin - even from the great distance that the photograph had been taken. There were just not that many people with such tall, gawky limbs like Remus's. Especially not that would be leaping from a tiny red motorcar onto a motorbike hundreds of meters off the ground, into the arms of a boy exactly of Sirius Black's statue with wild black hair... And if recognizing them hadn't been enough, there the names were, in black and white on the page, and Peter felt his tummy twist into a knot.

The Marauders: Year Six #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now