Slug Club Slug

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Slug Club Slug

Sunday was the day of the Slug Club Christmas brunch. Because both Sirius and Remus had been invited, this meant that Peter could come along as a "date", which Sirius decided to do because he felt very bad for Peter Pettigrew still since their conversation the day before in Hogsmeade. Peter, who had never even been noticed by Horace Slughorn when in connection to the Slug Club events was quite excited and changed his tie no less than three times before Sirius's patience started to wear thin (I mean, there's only so much a bloke can take). James was bringing Carly Shaw.

The boys arrived to the Potions corridor in their nice brunch clothes, Carly Shaw on James's arm, listening as he talked about how the new broom he'd gotten after the fire at his house over the summer had spectacular specs and how he was fairly certain it was this that should be credited for his brilliant beater skills. "Oh no James, you're so good at everything to do with Quidditch," Carly breathed, her hands about his biceps.

Sirius rolled his eyes discreetly at Remus and pointed a finger down his throat to mime gagging.

Lily arrived carrying a box with plaid wrapping and a shiny gold ribbon.

"What's that?" Sirius asked, pointing at it.

"A gift for Professor Slughorn," Lily answered. She looked at Carly and James, who were now leaned against the wall, Carly clinging onto James, her arms about his neck as he grinned down at her, and made a face. James saw her and winked at her over Carly's shoulder as she kissed his jaw bone. "Oh gods, Potter, you should really get a room."

Sirius's eyes lit up. "Oh gods, Potter!" he said.

James glared at Sirius over Carly's shoulder as Carly looked over at Lily. "Mind your own business, Lily," she said snappily.

Lily said, "Sorry. Carry on, then!" and she turned away.

Sirius was grinning.

Remus kept a wary eye on Sirius.

Peter said, "I think the present is wrapped very nice, Lily."

She looked at him - confused for a moment because of the delay - then said, "Thanks Peter. I made the ribbon with magic."

"You do such lovely magic," Peter admired it.

Lily smiled.

Several others were arriving at this point, and James spotted Maryrose Jenkins coming up from behind the cluster of people in the hallway and he waved to her. Carly looked over her shoulder at her and then back at James with a bit of suspicion on her face. Maryrose waved back, but only briefly before she spotted Regulus coming down the corridor on the other side of the crowd and she ducked 'round the people shuffling about in the hall 'til she'd made it to Regulus's side and she smiled at him. "Regulus!" she said, smiling, and she laced her arms about him.

"Maryrose, hi," he hugged her back, then held her out at arm's length to take a look at her. She was dressed in a pretty soft pink dress and had changed her hair to match and she looked like some sort of candy floss dream and he smiled and kissed her cheek. "You're brilliant," he said.

Maryrose flushed and smiled.

The door to Slughorn's office opened and the Professor stood in the frame, smiling jovially and welcoming them all inside. They followed him along to find he'd set the room up with lovely twinkle lights and paper snowflakes on the ceilings. There was a lovely buffet of finger foods with a breakfasty twist. Tiny bitesized waffles with fresh cuts of fruits and jams situated on top and little sausages with bits of egg on tiny toothpicks. Sparkling orange juice in champagne glasses... Trays were being carried about by house elves - great big silver trays with sprigs of holly and evergreen for decoration.

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