Chapter 2

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Nico POV:

Life sucked.

A punch to the cheek, a question. "Were did you get the map?" 

I smiled, "Well, I got it from a guy who got it from a guy who got it via a dept."  I gave them a flat look. "I think it was from somewhere in the Middle East, seemed like something those rich oil guys would like." 

Another punch. I think a heard a crack, but the pain in my jaw answers any question of what snapped. He didn't ask anything this time, maybe he just liked punching me. Kiki will kill me if I saw her again anytime soon. If I could find her in a city this big. I would find her and she would try to kiss me, then break my jaw again because I broke my jaw. Then she would drag me off to the hospital and tie me to a hospital bed. 

A kick to the ribs. Ouch.

I wonder if Justice and Cal are throwing another party. I hope Kodi next door yells at them. Kodi seemed like a good kid, he never drank and was down to earth, he would not be happy if he couldn't get any sleep.

I'm being unstrapped, well. This is new, I like these guys. "What are we guna' do with him Jason?" 

"Don't say my real name Tommy! We are using code names."

"Oh, sorry Doughboy."

"The boss said to let him go. He's blind, he can't tell anyone who beat him up. Worse case scenario we move hideouts."


I smiled. Dimwits thought I was fully blind! I just had to let them think that, bide my time. Kodi and I would come back and unleash heck on them. Kodi had the useful talent of having a supersonic scream. I was.. Well, me. I could fight, I could hear pretty well, I had a high pain tolerance.  That was it, also, I seemed to be the eyes. Kodi was half blind, I was somewhat blind. I had to wear glasses. Those glasses were most likely lying smashed on the ground back there, somewhere. I didn't know were, it was dark. Hard to tell really. 

They dropped me on the Hudson bank. No account for taste, Jason and Tommy. No brain points to Tommy either. I know knew two names, and two names were all I needed. 

I staggered up, clutching my jaw. It did hurt a lot, I had a feeling I would need someone to help me, (I knew a guy who could help, he didn't live far) So I started off in that direction, listening to the two's footsteps. I glared back, seeing that one was very fat, the other was clearly a nerd in Highschool. I could tell by the Afro. Gezz, kids... Cal had a undercut and Justice had a mullet, I would never get kids these days. Then again, I myself sported a undercut. A overgrown undercut. 

When I got to this guys place, it reeked of something disgusting I couldn't quite place. It was such a mix I had a hard time identifying the individual parts. Though I saw a couple cans of beer lying around. A computer lay open on the couch, and on the mantle was a picture of a girl and a man. The girl had bright blue eyes and had dyed the roots of her long blond hair red. The man had darker blue eyes with black hair. Half had been dyed white. Both seemed happy and were laughing with whoever took the picture. Another picture was three people sitting on a bench. It was the girl and man from the other picture, with a tall skinny woman dressed to the height of fashion. She was very pretty, and was ignoring the man, who was making a funny face at the camera. The girl was laughing at his funny face. 

I looked away, spotting a distinctive black/white ruff of hair. I walked over, finding him passed out of the couch. Clutched in his arms was another photo, not framed. I tried mumbling his name (It hurt too much), then slapped his face. He woke up, startled. Looking over, he sighed. "Nico, again? Man, you have to stop going out without Kodi. Your not as young as you used to be-" I cut him off with a pointed glare of 'fix my jaw and we will talk about your state of living'. He sighed, and touched his  hand to my jaw. A soft light, and my jaw was fixed. I glared at him. "You need to stop sleeping with that picture. And clean up Eclipse, if you do ever find her do you think she won't be even more worried about you and not cry when she smells you? You smell like beer, and about a million other things I can't place." I glared at him like I would Cal or Justice when they came home after a fight.

"It's called Pizza, something you should know considering your Italian. And.. Beer. And chips, and herbs, and a few other things. Mostly pizza. I live off of pizza." He gave me a apologetic look. I sighed. 

"Eclipse, you need to stop. Move in with me and my sons, you will be safer. Plus you will have HUMAN INTERACTION." I stressed that last part. A couple of small dogs looked up, startled. A APBT and a German Shepard both remained sleeping. Eclipse considered, looking forlornaly at the laptop. 

"Just let me send her a text saying I'm moving, and the address."

Nico moved out of the way as Eclipse staggered to his feet. Healing took a lot out of him, mending a broken jaw would mean he would feel tried for the next hour, but it was better then when he had first got his powers and a dislocated shoulder would knock him out for a day.

He typed a quick message, and he wiped his eyes as he saw that as soon as it was sent it was read. Eclipse closed the laptop and tucked it under his arm as he gathered the leashes for his dogs. "You building allows animals, right?"

"Yep, even APBTs and Shepards. Your dogs should be no issue." Nico smiled, ruffling the Shepard's fur. He looked up sleepily. His brown eyes meeting Nico's. After a stretch, the big Shepard nudged the Pitty awake. Soon both were up and looking at Eclipse. Brown eyes gleaming with anticipation. Eclipse clipped their leashes on, handing them to Nico. Leaving all his furniture, (It was the landlords anyway), he led the smaller dogs out the door while Nico took the big dogs. 

Eclipse left the door unlocked and shoved the last of his belongings into a bag. Throwing it over his shoulder, the two set off back to Nico's apartment.  

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