Chapter 4

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Nico POV:

Nico was out again, this time he saw a girl. She was trapped in a alley. Nico had to intervene, so he lept down, using the fire escapes. He flicked out a knife, to the other guy's gun. The two faced off, Nico's harsh gaze to the thugs cold, dark one. 

A bang, and Nico stumbled back, pain blossoming in his shoulder. He clenched his teeth hard and clutched his shoulder, his knife still clutched in his hand. A shield of lightning came up around him and the girl. 

Lightning flashed around them, and Nico was pretty sure that he was not the one generating it. The girl was. He looked back at her and noticed that she looked familiar. He didn't have time to place her face, though. He had other things to worry about, like those cars that just pulled up. 

He heard another bang, and this time it was not at him, or it seemed the girl with the powers. It was at the thug. He fell, and Nico saw men in suites. Nico stumbled forwards, brandishing his knife. Then a bang and he felt pain in his head. Then it was black, nothing else.

When he woke up, he wasn't sure if he was awake. Everything was shrouded in blackness. No light whatsoever. He blinked a couple times, trying to adjust his eyes to the darkness. Still nada.

The sound of a door opening surprised him. He shot to his feet, immediately regretting it as his shoulder throbbed. He sat back down, gripping his shoulder. It must have been the middle of the night, because it was still pitch black. That raised the question of: Did these guys have something against lights?

Nico was silent, wondering if this person in here had night vision goggles or was as blind as Nico was. That would be useful. 

He tried edging closer to the door, hoping this guy couldn't see. 

"Stop it right there." A man's voice, not far away.

Nico froze, so this guy had night vision goggles. 

"Why would he even try that?" A girl's voice this time. Scottish accent.

Nico felt a idea growing on him. It was terrifying, pessimistic, and depressing.

Oh, please let him be wrong....

"Are the lights on?" Nico asked, raising his hand to his head to feel for a blindfold. Nada. This was bad, and terrifying. Above all depressing. 

"All on, why?" The man this time. 

Nico felt the crushing weight of what that meant. He was blind again, he was BLIND again! How the heck had that happened?! They said that it would be impossible to reverse unless someone actually re-blinded him. No bandages,  he didn't feel and pain in his eye area. 

He felt his face, nothing. Nico was blind again. 

Clamping his jaw shut, he held backtears by sheer force of will. "What in the world did you shoot me with?" The quiver in his voice betrayed that something was wrong.

"An Icer, basically a tranq dart." The girl again. Nico figured she must have been young, maybe in her 20s. 

"Why do you ask?" This guy was getting on Nico's nerves. Did he have to question everything? It was so infuriating. Nico refused to say anything.

"We know you work with an Inhuman, we found you with her. Are you an Inhuman? Do you have any powers?" A pause. Nico contemplated what this guy had just said. He decided to speak.

"I don't even know her, I just know she has lightning powers."

"That doesn't answer my other question."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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