Chapter 12[Editing]

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Kate moaned as she woke up in the morning, she felt so happy that she didn't even recognize herself.

She was simply happy, she had finally opened up to Nick and now she could finally breathe. It was like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders and she felt free for the first time in a long time.

What happened after, was only an added bonus to their perfect night.

Thank goodness hours still remained before they returned home. She loved the fact that she had more time to spend with her boyfriend alone, with no interruptions. She wanted to take everything in before reality came knocking yet again.

Once she decided to get up, she dressed in Nick's before leaving the room. She wondered where he'd gone so early in the morning.

She made it to the living room and was quite surprised how tidy it was.

' Did Nick do everything alone? He could have woken me up so I could join him.'

Her stomach grumbled when she noticed the living room table full of food. Everything had been set so nicely and the food looked so tempting, but she settled for eating a piece of toast. She decided to wait for Nick so they could eat together.

The temptation grew each passing minute and before she knew it, food was in hand and she munched down on the good looking food. Her cheeks warmed up in embarrassment when Nick finally returned, but caught her in the middle of her attacking the food.

It surely was an amusing sight for Nick, who found her cuts, looking embarrassed with food in hand.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

He shook his head. " No, no, I love that you helped yourself," he walked over to her and softly placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Join me," she said, but he only took a bite out of her toast before he sat next to her.

"Thank you for a wonderful night," she said.

"I believe you made my night special." Kate's face warmed up even more when Nick rested his cheek against his palm, and stared at her with so much adoration.

" Nick." His name came out as a whisper from her lips, as she looked away shyly.

His heart skipped a beat as he watched her.

" I am here with the most beautiful girl, it's perfect in my eyes." He drew her eyes back to him when he took one of her hands. " Being loved and trusted by you is one of the most beautiful things for me. Thank you for everything." He continued to say.

" I should be the one to thank you for an amazing anniversary. It was an unforgettable night. You are so good to me, thank you." She responded.

" I love you." He said.

" I love you."

He picked a strawberry and offered it to her, she accepted with a smile.

" We still have time right?" She wanted to confirm.

He nodded.

" I was thinking that we could take a little stroll around the area and get some fresh air. Lets take advantage of the time we have here." Kate suggested.

" No problem." Nick agreed.

Kate was satisfied to hear this. She continued eating but not without feeding Nick every now and then. Nick let her have her way, loving the satisfied look on her face each time she had her way.

" I have something for you." He said after a while.

" Okay," Kate watched as Nick walked over to the fireplace, where a a small vase with a rose sat.

DARK PARADISE. [ Currently Under Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now