Message #35

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Kidding lol. Whats up?

Very funny. I'm eating.

What are you eating?


( ̄ー ̄) hmm....

Hmmm. What's wrong with food? :p


I'm eating pizza

You know what, I don't like you.

Don't worry I'll save you a piece and give it to you one day.

All soggy and gross?



I know :p

lol what type of pizza do you like?

Pepperoni and Hawaiian.



Twinzies? Lol

Yeah, but never ever remind me I said that. I sorta got caught up in the moment. :p

You dork

You nerd

I'm not offended.

I ain't either.



Can I ask, how you found my number?

I asked someone and they gave it to me

Who did you ask?

That's classified information princess


Uh you don't like princess? How about babe or sugar plum or sweety?

Uh no, lets just stick with princess.

I mean if you don't want me to call you anything, I'll just call you by your name. I mean I feel weird calling you princess. I even feel weird calling you anything like that. What I mean is that ugh never mind.

It's okay dorky, call me anything you wish.

Dorky? Me? Says the queen of the dorks

Bow down to your queen then.

I can't

And why not?

I'm the king of the dorks

Since when?

Since I feel for you

Hopeless romantic dork

That's me


You know what you are?



This is so new to me. How am I supposed to react?

Your supposed to like send me kisses

Oh gosh



Hey, by the way why were you gone from school for a while?

I went to the city two hours from here to visit some relativies.

Oh ok, you had me worried. I mean you saw my messages.

Yeah, anyways I have to go

Ok bye Nelly

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