King and Queen of Dorks

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Adrian took off his hood as he approached Nelly.

He had to do this.



"I'm the king of dorks," He said softly.

Nelly couldn't believe she hadn't thought of it already. She just never knew that Adrian would even like her in any way. He was too good looking. Although in honesty she knew she wasn't ugly. She just wasn't the type of person people noticed often.

He was the defintion of perfect in her eyes. He was smart, friendly, funny, and handsome. Four in one. An amazing combination.


"It can't be that surprising. Is it?"

"No, I mean, kinda."



"So did your aunt delete my number?"

"No, I talked to her. She let me keep talking to you."

"That's amazing, Nelly."


"You know, I well um.."


"Kinda sorta had a crush on you last year."


"Yeah and the thing is, I'm not over it. In fact I um, I think it's grown."

"Me too."

"You too what?"

"I kinda have a crush on you too, I guess. I mean last year I kinda wished we'd talk some day and well, we did."

Adrian smiled, "Since you know we kinda both like each other, would you like to be my official queen of dorks? I'll be your king of dorks, I guess."

Nelly bowed," I'd be honered."

They both laughed.

"You really are a dork."

"Always have been."

Then Adrian grabbed her hand just about when the bell rung.

"Let's go be dorks together, my queen."

Anyways thanks for the votes and reads. I'm going to publish a new book soon, so watch out for it! See ya :)

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