Chapter Fourteen [100 Read Mark]

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It had been a few days since the group came back to talk to me. I was pretty sure they had forgotten me, but of course, they didn't. They were all a bunch of idiots who didn't care about their lives as of now because the 15-year-old girl they took into their home was sick.

I had woken up a few hours ago while Jen and Kevin were going to pick up Alex. I don't know why, but I was excited to see Alex again. I haven't seen him in a while, and Jen said he looked a bit different, as well as his profile in school. I wasn't worried though. Whatever Alex was doing, he probably had a dumb plan or something stupid.

I decided to text him.

😎 Alex The Pizza Thief 🍕

Olivia: Heyyy? You there?


Olivia: 😂😂 of course I am
Olivia: how do you think I'm texting you??


Olivia: calm down! You're acting like an insane pizza! 😅🍕

Alex: oh, like that insane pizza you wanted one time?? 😐🍕🍕🍕

Olivia: I'm sorry, WHO WAS THE ONE WHO TOOK IT
Olivia: 😭 poor pizza

We began chatting about my absurd pizza, WHICH (ON MY BEHALF) WAS NOT ABSURD. Alex ate it when I was away. My toppings were avocado, pineapple, bacon, sausage, corn, chicken, cheese, pepperoni, combo on a single slice. Admittedly, it was more cheese. So, it wasn't absurd. It was technically cheese pizza.


I typed in "okie" and put my phone down. Suddenly, someone came kicking the door open, almost making it fall off its weak hinges. Alex barged in with a bag of McDonald's.

I laughed at the dramatic entrance. "Be careful with the door, Alex! You'll hurt it!"

"But I'll hurt myself if I don't see you!" Alex whined childishly.

My cheeks dusted pink as I laughed, ignoring his comment. He put the bag on the table and sat down. It was a stool. The little girl, or me, sat on the same exact stool... I looked straight ahead of me as Alex began preparing my McChicken. There surely was a small wall blocking the door from any unsuspecting visitors. The little boy stood there, crying...

"Hey!" Someone exclaimed, snapping their fingers in front of my face. I whipped my head around, and Alex stared at me worriedly. "You okay? I've called your name five times."

"O-Oh! I'm okay. Just lost in thought." I said, giggling. He handed me my McChicken, which I bit into full-heartedly. Suddenly, a question came to mind. "Hey Alex?"

"Yeah?" He shoved two Chicken McNuggets in his mouth.

How the fuck..?

"Do you know my mom?" I asked.

Alex nodded, "She was my piano teacher. She taught me lessons over the weekend and when my dad left with most of our money, she supported us. I'm just surprised I haven't seen you before."

Though what he said seemed true, the way he said "seen you before" left me feeling unfulfilled. It was as if he was hesitant to say it, but chose to say it anyway.

Seen me before..

The little boy and little girl came into mind, along with the woman on the hospital bed.


"I refuse to walk in heels!" I exclaimed harshly.

Just when I had came back to school, and after finishing the truck load of work I had, Alex had reminded Jen that there would be a winter dance for all ages. She went maniac on me about fashion choices.

Jen whined, "But heels would look good on you!"

I shook my head, crossing my arms against my chest. "I AM A TEENAGER. HEELS SHOULDN'T BE GOING ON A TEENAGER, NONETHELESS A SOPHOMORE."

We were in a store with Alex and Kevin. Alex easily found his outfit (with the help of Kevin), and so did Jen. I was the last one to pick one. I hadn't went to the winter dance last year because someone had tripped me in the hallway, causing me to oh-so-graciously fall to the floor and twist my ankle, so I couldn't dance at all.

So technically, this was my first high school dance, and I wasn't at all ready for it.

"C'MOOON!! Heels are so good on youuu!"

"Yeah, and I don't think I'll look good after the heels!"

"Olivia!! Please!!"

"Jen, no. Stop. I'm not wearing some stupid pair of heels!"

"Please!!! I'll make the heels myself!"

The statement caught my attention. I opened my eyes and looked towards her, squinting, "Continue.."

Jen perked up and began explaining with added hand motions. "The heels will be a nice plain white color, like snow. It'll have a three-inch heel, and the inside will have comfy memory foam so that your feet don't come out looking like Godzilla. At the tip of the heel, there will be a pretty little candy cane. I'll add light sprinkles of silver glitter to make it sparkle."

I narrowed my eyes at her after she finished her explanation. "Full wedge or heel?"


"I'm in! Let's get the dress!"


It had been two hours. Two. Hours. We've been looking for the right dress for two hours. Jen insisted on finding the right dress for my first high school dance. Either the dress was too tight, too droopy, too poofy, or too anything for her. We continued to look the dress, the feeling of drowsiness filling me up to the brim. We went through three clothing stores, and I was feeling kind of out of place with all the high maintenance fashion.

It was a damn dress, so it shouldn't have been this hard to find.

"We've been looking for days!" Kevin groaned, resting his head on Jen's from behind her.

Jen, I had to admit, had blushed at his action. She pushed him off of her and turned around, saying, "Well, I'm sorry. Why do all the clocks say it's been two hours?"

"This is hopeless.." I muttered, sitting on a chair, "Even Alex disappeared somewhere in search of food or something."

Alex was nowhere to be seen, as if he just became invisible. I heard heavy panting from afar and turned around, only to, ironically, see Alex running towards us with a dress in his arms. It was a white dress with red lace at the bottom, around a white inner fabric to keep the legs warm. It was actually very chic. He ran up towards us and began breathing heavily, as if he had run a marathon beforehand. What the—

"I... am right here!" He said, breathing in deeply.

Jen put her hands on hips, annoyed that he had run off and left us. "What were you doing?!" She exclaimed. "We nearly lost you in the tiniest store possible!!!"

He blushed embarrassingly, his cheeks becoming a scarlet red. He awkwardly took a quick glanced at me, and murmured quietly, "I was looking for a dress for Olivia." Jen raised an eyebrow as my eyes widened. "I figured she needed.. some help."

My cheeks began flooding with heat, and I stuttered out, "W-Well. Thanks, I guess."

Jen pulled the dress out of his hands, looking at it. After examining it, she turned to me with her eyes sparkling. I blushed even more when she sent me a wink. "I think it's great. Try it on!"


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