Chapter Seventeen

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Alex James

As I ran down the street, I wondered why Olivia was attracting so much attention the moment I met her. She was living in an abyss; an abyss of eyes watching her from every single angle. The thought made my hands clench into fists. Those cheerleaders from before had also been the same, but in a different way. They complained that I was too "godly" to be hanging out with Olivia, even though one of them was the one who threw food at her a few months ago.

It was ridiculous!

I ignored their comments though.

Olivia is still my favorite person to hang out with... I smiled slightly as I continued running, catching my breath lightly. Then, I stopped when something caught my eye.

In front of me, a few meters away, was Olivia's backpack and her phone, lifeless. I kneeled to the floor and turned on her phone, typing in her passcode. I had to admit, her password was pretty basic. Should probably remind her to change it, huh? I looked through all the apps that didn't include much privacy until I gazed upon a usual app. The Notes app. A new note, added a few minutes ago, was open. It was the most shuddering thing I had ever read in my life.

To Olivia Hernandez's Boyfriend

Olivia Hernandez has been taken hostage. We have taken her for purposes that include her mother and their left behind treasure. If you want to even try to save her, meet us at Meladia's grave, late during 7:00 at night. You don't have a choice either way.

Either come. Or we'll bury Olivia alive.

A picture was below it. My eyes widened as I felt a burning violence running through my veins. Not even just anger, but an unsettling murderous urge to kill them with my bare hands. There was a picture of Olivia with tears down her face. She was against the side of a van, a towel wrapped around her head, part of it wedged in her mouth to prevent her from speaking. Her clothes seemed as if they were dragged against the mud, and her hair was sprawled upon her shoulders. Her green eyes held so much fear, I could feel it seeping through the photo into me. She was looking away from the lens, as if they had taunted her to take a look.

Below the picture were more words.

Look at camera roll.

I quickly swiped the Notes app and scrolled to the camera roll, seeing a video saved a few minutes ago. I clicked on play and immediately, Olivia's screams were heard. What the fuck.. are they doing to her? A laugh interrupted her scream and someone grabbed her hair, clutching it. She was then thrown against the car. A black, sleek car. She let out another muffled scream, her breathing heavy.

I swear, I might break that guy's nose when I see him..

"If you want to see her again," the guy spoke, and I could practically hear the smirk in his voice, "you'd better come tonight. Again, if you don't, we'll bury her alive. Now, be a nice little boyfriend and don't utter a word to anyone. Come alone. See ya then, kid!"

There was then a laugh of other men, and I quickly deleted the video. I turned off Olivia's phone and picked up her backpack. All the while, I felt as if someone was watching me. Of course they would send someone to keep an eye on me. My grip on the backpack tightened as I calmly walked home, thinking of a plan to get Olivia back.

Don't worry, Olivia.

I'll be there.

And I'll snap all their necks.


Olivia Hernandez

"What do we do with her now?"

"Let her be. We're only using her as bait for that piece of shit."

As they continued with their conversation, I slowly woke up to my senses. A piece of shit? The only pieces of shit I see here are your faces, and this ugly bubble gum dumb dumb looking ass car. Alex suddenly came to mind, and I realized they were referring to Alex as "the piece of shit".

But why did they need him?

Suddenly, Daniel's voice spoke, "I bet he's scared senseless. The dude's probably not even going to try to save her."

I clenched my jaw and quickly kicked a knife away from me, letting it fly to the chair of the driver's seat. It stabbed right into the cushion, splitting the poor condition of a chair into its layers. He glanced at me through the rear view mirror.

"Shut up.." I muttered, my hands clenching into fists.

I looked up with my eyes contorted in annoyance. To be honest, I didn't even feel mad. I was more annoyed, if anything. My green eyes glinted from the small light source of the black car. I was sitting at the back, my arms tied to the hooks on the top of the car. My strawberry blonde hair blew wildly from the wind coming from the front. I glared at the man in the driver's seat with pure hatred as tears dried in my eyes.

"What do you want, Daniel?" I asked, gritting my teeth.

He looked at the rearview mirror and smirked in response, "I'm using you as bait for your knight in shining armor. He has something that you also have, and you two are the only ones with it. Soon, it'll be ours."

The man in front of me turned to face me as a confused look crossed me. "Now, tell us. Tell us where it is."

"I have no idea what you're talking about!" I yelled, kicking my legs out of stubbornness. "Let me go!"

Daniel rolled his eyes and continued driving, blasting music to ignore my colorful cursing directed towards him. I continued yelling at him, only to make him put the volume up even louder. What did he mean? I don't think Alex and I have anything related to each other except for knowing the people around us.

"Knock her out."

Then, I blacked out when a fucking pan whacked my head.

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