Chapter 2: Luck

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Washington D.C.

"Mr. Chairman," Director Hunley began as he addressed the Senate committee, "the IMF's misadventures date back to my earliest days in the CIA when the IMF broke into," he glared slightly at Brandt, who was sitting to the older man's left, "the CIA to steal a list of covert operatives."

Brandt didn't bother to acknowledge the man's spiteful tone as Hunley continued: "And now, more recently a Russian warhead-"

"Disarmed Russian warhead." Brandt corrected 'under his breath' although he made sure his words carried clearly to everyone present in the courtroom.

"A Russian nuclear warhead-" Hunley repeated, showing a diagram on the nearby monitor and trying to ignore Brandt as he piped up again: "Branded safe by the IMF."

"-Clipped the Transamerica Pyramid," Hunley went on, showing the now infamous video clip, "before plunging into the San Francisco bay."

"Saving the western atmosphere." Brandt added, again in his 'under-his-breath-not-under-his-breath' tone.

"This made possible," Hunley ploughed determinedly on, "by IMF agents who did willing provide the launch codes to a known terrorist, and, I might add, in the presence of a civilian with criminal record. Do I have that right, agent Brandt?"

He turned scathingly to glare at the IMF Field Operations Director as the rest of the Senate committee also turned their attention on Brandt. Brandt had tensed just slightly at the reference to Kat, but he otherwise showed no emotion as he replied monotonously: "I can neither confirm nor deny details of any such operation without the Secretary's approval."

Hunley stood up, moving to the monitor as he continued: "This was the same week the IMF infiltrated the Kremlin. Here is the Kremlin before."

He pulled the photo of the beautiful building as everyone knew it.

"And, the Kremlin after." He switched the image to show the smoking and destroyed building as he stared right at Brandt.

Brandt tensed slightly, his fingers curling around the pen he was fiddling with but he replied flatly: "I can neither confirm nor deny details of any operation-"

"-Without the Secretary's approval," Hunely said impatiently as he advanced on the other man in annoyance, "yes, we know. In fact, until this panel appoints a new Secretary, you really can't say much of anything, can you, agent Brandt?"

"Well, I didn't write the rules, Mr. Hunley." Brandt replied lightly, although there was the slightest edge to his tone.

The Committee Chairman frowned, but turned his attention back to Hunley as the man began: "Mr. Chairman, the so call Impossible Missions Force is not just a rogue organization, it is an outdated one. A throwback to an era without transparency and without oversight."

"Mr. Chairman." Brandt began, objecting, but Hunley continued: "The time has come to dissolve the IMF-"

"Mr. Chairman." Brandt repeated, and Hunley once again continued over him: "-And transfer the salvageable assets to the CIA."

"Mr. Chairman," Brandt interrupted at last, "the IMF has operated without oversight for 40 years."

"Mr. Chairman." Hunley began, but it was Brandt's turn to cut across him as he stated: "Now, are its methods unorthodox? Yes."

"Mr. Chairman." Hunley repeated, but Brandt continued loudly over him: "Are its results less than perfect? Absolutely. But without the IMF, to be force-"

"- There'll be order and stability!" Hunley snapped, and Brandt shouted over him: "Without the IMF-"

The Chairman banged his mallet down, effectively silencing the two arguing men. Hunley was glaring at Brandt as the latter clenched his jaw, but they both went quiet, turning back to the Chairman as he began: "This panel recognizes the IMF's contribution to global security. But the events laid out by CIA director Hunley also show a pattern of wanton brinkmanship and a total disregard for protocol."

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