Chapter 5: Vienna

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Benji and Kat were giggling like children going to an amusement park as they got off the subway, completely inappropriate considering the smart black suit – complete with a bowtie- Benji was wearing and the emerald green silk evening gown Kat was wearing (courtesy of the CIA nee IMF). She'd paired it with slim black heels, and her hair had been twisted into a simple but elegant updo that seemed very out of place with her current giggle session with Benji.

But neither cared, both relieved to be away from the troubles at home and able to just relax for a wonderful night at the world-famous opera house. Although Benji did notice, with some surprise, that Kat was looking very fit beneath her dress. It was neither revealing nor too tight, but Benji could detect that she was very toned- even more than when he'd first seen her when she'd returned from London six months ago. He wondered if, and more importantly why, she had been training herself privately.

But he shook it off for now, focusing on the present enjoyable time he was keen to spend with his friend. Kat was just laughing as Benji pulled an exaggerated snobby expression for her entertainment, when both started in surprise as a stranger thrust an envelope into Benji's hands. Kat stared at the envelope as Benji turned to stare after the man, puzzled as the mystery messenger disappeared into the crowds again.

"What...?" Kat began, and Benji frowned as he opened the envelope, pulling out the opera book on the Turandot, He then reached inside to pull out a pair of black-rimmed spectacles. Kat frowned while Benji glanced around before carefully placing the glasses on.

It whirred slightly before the gadget identified him and Ethan's voice said lightly: "Welcome to Vienna, Benji. Missed me?"

Benji's eyes widened and he whirled on the spot, almost smacking into Kat as he demanded: "Ethan, where are you?" Kat's eyes widened. "Where the hell have you been? No actu- you know what?"

He cut himself off as he said quickly: "Please, don't tell me that, because it's just another thing I will have to lie about in my weekly polygraph."

Kat almost smiled, though she was waiting worriedly, unable to hear as Ethan said to Benji calmly: "Everything is going to be fine. Just keep walking. But, make sure you're not being followed."

Benji did as Ethan said, leading Kat with him out of the underground while sighing: "Oh. I didn't win those opera tickets, did I?"

"No, I'm afraid not." Ethan replied with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Er, Ethan..." Benji began as he glanced at Kat, who was following him patiently but whom he could see was starting to get impatient about being left out of the loop. "There's just a slight problem..."

"It'll be fine, Benji." Ethan replied encouragingly, and Benji sighed as he admitted: "Well, I had two tickets..."

There was a silence before Ethan said slowly: "Go on..."

"So... Kat's here with me?" Benji said, almost questioningly.

Kat stared at him, raising a brow as Benji winced when Ethan said sharply: "What?"

"Well, how was I supposed to know?" Benji replied defensively, and Ethan sighed.

"Okay, just... make sure she sticks close to you." Ethan sighed, and Benji nodded.

"Hi, Ethan." Kat called, and Ethan groaned into Benji's ear: "Brandt is going to kill me."

"Not if he doesn't find out." Benji replied cheerfully. "So, where do we meet?"

"We don't." Ethan replied shortly. "For your sake, and hers, we shouldn't be seen together."

Benji's phone beeped, and he checked it as Ethan said lightly: "You have mail."

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