T W E N T Y - F O U R

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T W E N T Y - F O U R

TWO DISTINCT VOICES echoed along the area as I peeked through the little crack, eager to peer into the conversation. A blanket of stars decorated the night sky behind the two men, each casting a dark shadow over their even darker features as they spoke in hurried whispers. Although the conversation had begun in a smooth and friendly base, it soon escalated in regards to content and voice level, with Fabian's face burning red with what seemed like fury.

"Stop breaking things between Addison and me, brother. You do not know what you are messing with!" Dimitri warned, taking a step towards Fabian though the latter stood his ground.

"You have forgotten, brother, that it was you that had ruined my chances. I was the one meant to be the high king, and you snatched it away due to your jealousy many centuries ago."

"What had happened to Ida was not my doing, Fabian. We both know that it had been Lucius from the start, and it will be Lucius again that ruins a chance in any of us ever rising to power. I implore you to see reason. Hell will fall without a proper leader."

My attention heightened at that, causing me to lean in a little further in curiosity. However, when the door had allowed a traitorous creak to break through the otherwise silent night, I allowed myself cursed under my breath just once.

Both Dimitri and Fabian immediately turned their heads over in my direction. Pressing my back against the wall right by the door, I held my breath as best as I could, hoping that maybe, just maybe, they would not come investigate.

"Go back to Addison, Dimitri. Don't forget that Lucius might strike tonight. Take care of her, just like how I should've taken care of Ida." With that, the large doors swung open, nearly hitting me in the nose due to the force and movement. It covered me from plain sight, and yet I could make out a pair of footsteps, presumably Dimitri's, slowly leading away from the balcony and back into the ballroom.

It was only when the resounding footsteps had disappeared had I finally dared to step out of hiding.

"I was wondering when you were going to come out," a voice said, a little too close to my ear as I jumped in fright with a yelp. From behind me, Fabian stood there with his usual blank expression, hands folded across his chest as if examining me. "Did your parents never teach you that it is rude to eavesdrop."

My mouth opened and closed a few times, gaping like a fish out of the water before finally deciding to end my embarrassment. Dipping my head low, I shied away from Fabian's line of sight with remorse coursing through my veins. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

"You are excused, mortal. I would've been curious as well if my date had left me so swiftly."

For what seemed like the first in my lifetime, Fabian had cracked a joke as a reply. I stared with wide eyes at the now smirking man before he coughed once, the smile slipping from his features.

"I suppose that you have questions?" He asked instead, gesturing to the balcony with a nod of his head.

Silently complying, I followed Fabian into the cold of the night, wrapping my hands around myself as best as I could as I peered into the world below us. A small waterfall ran clear, the roaring of its waters sounding like an orchestra that was born to play music. The wonders of nature were ever present even in a realm meant for eternal torture.

"First of all," I began, breathing out slightly in an attempt to warm myself. "Why are you offering to tell me all of this?"

Without looking at me directly in the eye once, Fabian shrugged off his suit jacket before laying it over my shoulders. Immediately, I could feel warmth enveloping me in a calming embrace. "To live with ignorance is both a blessing and a curse. I thought that you should at least know your enemy before heading to battle."

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