T W E N T Y - S I X

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T W E N T Y - S I X

LUCIUS HAD BEEN surprisingly quiet since the very second in which we had touched the earth of Heaven. Though the pavements were not made of clouds that puffed up like cotton candy, the angel still walked in a way that he seemed to float, moving such as gravity did not affect him at all.

I was, though, weighed down by the gravity of the situation, knowing that now my fate rested in Lucius' hands. My precious little weapon tucked away in my costume of glamour will have no power over any angel, knowing that he could probably easily disarm me in one simple movement. It was still best to let this little weapon of mine remain a secret until necessary. Though, the thought of owning a switchblade at the current moment instead of a trusty pistol still irked me to no end.

Switchblades were small little things, harmless unless at a close distance or used as a one try shooting weapon. Neither of that I am very good with. Which was a foolish thing, considering what I had gone through since my last birthday.

"Where are you taking me?" His hand, in contrast to Dimitri's, was warm to the touch. It stuck itself to my skin, grazing the hem of the low back cut on my dress. The breeze gently caressed my face, acting as the only reply I will probably receive for a very long time. Lucius' silent was deafening, echoing brilliantly into the sky as a well-structured hut came into view.

The small building had straw covers as a roof, building upon the cottage-like image it already bore. Along with wooden planks for walls and windows that bore no glass, the hut seemed almost like any other ordinary little quaint housing one could find in the rural corners of Earth. And yet, what stood contrastingly different to constructions back in reality was that the building was colored white to match the theme of this realm, having the wood painted to the core. Tinges of gray and silver leaked through the natural lines of the wood like veins in a human body, and yet it still seemed too unnatural.

Lucius finally broke the silence the second we approached the hut, the front of our toes barely kissing the wooden door. The back of my heels screamed in pain, yet I could only bite down on my lip in an attempt to suppress my irritation and discomfort.

"Jonah, take her inside and bind her hands. I want guards at every post around the perimeter of the hut." My nose immediately wrinkled in annoyance, every fiber of my body daring me to yell out in annoyance. I had been perfectly compliant through our short trip around Heaven, having been more awed with the surroundings than to have the strength (and weakness at the same time) to fight back.

And yet I knew that it was best to be silent, for the blade rested heavy on the holster strapped high up my thigh. It dug into my skin, providing me a constant reminder of how powerful a simple blade could be when equipped truly well and properly.

I was passed over, no more than a rag doll passed down to the next owner. While Jonah's metal grip tightened on my upper arm and lost the false gentlemanly facade he had kept up when we had first met, he turned to eye Lucius, almost in a way that screamed of submission.

"Getting the girl into Heaven is a risky move, Lucius." He dared to defy his master's orders, speaking past the obvious overall schemer of this grand masterplan. Speaking past Lucius. "Dimitri will storm Heaven--"

"Call him by what he is, Jonah," Lucius snapped, anger firing up deep within his beautiful caramel eyes. "He is Death, nothing more. Even the Devil had once been an angel, and look how he is now. Chained and jailed into what was his own domain many centuries ago."

The older looking man dipped his head down to face the floor in submission. His eyes were downcast, embarrassment filling his features almost immediately.

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