Chapter 3

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The Kingdom of Earth
Micah's POV

I waited patiently as my brother's form came into view. His bag was slung over one shoulder, his hand running through his hair. At the sight of him, I began to smile, waving him over.

He smiled back, continuing to walk down the sidewalk before finally making it to the porch. "Welcome back, Seth. Dinner's on the table in the kitchen, and I replaced the towels in the bathroom if you want to shower, and I just went to the store today, so try not to drink all the milk." I listed off all of the things I said, gesturing with my hands as he listened.

"Okay, okay. Thanks, Micah." Patting my head, Seth opened the door, waiting for me to go in before entering himself. Sitting down at the table, Seth began to unwrap the meal I set out for him as I began to clean the dishes. "How was work today?" Seth looked up from his food, waiting for an answer. "It was fine," I replied. "Today was the first day of the produce sale, so it was busier than usual." He nodded, returning to his food. "Don't overwork yourself."

"I know."

Once I finished, I grabbed my coat, running to the back yard. I sat on the small bench in by the corner of the fence. I glanced inside at Seth who was putting away his plate. Our parents died a couple years back, leaving us alone. A that time, Seth was in his last year of highschool, and I was in my first.

Originally, Seth had wanted to quit school and start working, but I talked him out of it, encouraging him to go to college. I didn't want him to miss out on his dream because of me, so instead I dropped out and started working. It wasn't so bad. Without a clear goal for the future, this gave me a surefire way to make a living.

Ever since, it has been just me and Seth living in the house. Since my work schedule wasn't the same as his class schedule, there weren't many times for us to be together and talk. Which is why I was so excited for today. I always think about trying to find a pet of some sort, to keep me company, but I know I wouldn't be able to care for it.

By the time I finally snapped out of my thoughts, the sun was setting between the trees, turning them a deep orange. I sighed, closing my eyes and leaning my head back. "I do hope you're not tired, after all, we still have a long trip ahead of us." Startled, I jumped off the bench, staring at the man in front of me.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the man to disappear. But, when I opened my eyes, he still stood there, watching me with great interest. "Um... You are...?" I managed to ask the question on my mind, inspecting the man from head to toe. I had to admit, he was quite handsome. His silver-blonde hair went to his chin, framing his face and enunciating his deep violet eyes.

Though, his features were scrunched up as he began to panic. "How am I going to do this?" He mumbled to himself. "Do... What?" Finally, he turned, looking at me as if just noticing my presence. "You. What is your name?" I hesitated, annoyed by the fact that he asked me the same question he had yet to answer himself.

"Well? Are you going to answer me?" I crossed my arms stubbornly, nerves rolling off of me in waves. The man studied me, heaving a sigh as he shook his head. "I didn't want to have to do this but..." The man grabbed me, pulling me up into his arms as I blushed like an idiot. "What are you- Hey!!"

The man seemed to glow as he closed his eyes, my voice catching in my throat as I watched the black feathered wings that sprouted from his back. A gush of air rushed by and suddenly, we were... Gone. I wasn't sure how to explain it; the world seemed to float away and we disappeared, leaving the world I'd grown up in to enter a completely new terrain.

The air became thick, the red clouds above signalling oncoming rain. Or, whatever rain was considered... Wherever we were. The man released me and I staggered out of his grasp, my sense of balance gone as I fell to the ground, looking up at the displeased violet eyes of the man. He gestured to his right and I looked down, having to adjust to what I was seeing. "Welcome... To Hell."

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