Chapter 15

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The Kingdom of Hell
Azazel's POV

Breakfast was tense. Lucifer did not show up, avoiding Micah to keep from handling wedding business. Micah had dark circles under his bloodshot eyes. His hair was messy, and he barely ate. His focus was elsewhere.

I was afraid he'd heard us. But, he was asleep, right? Surely this appearance was because of... Nightmares? I could only hope, and confront him later for confirmation. Until then, I sat stiffly in my chair. When Micah had finished, he stood up and turned to the window. I opened my mouth to speak when he cut me off. "Azazel... Will you take me back to Earth?"

I froze, every fiber of my being screaming against it. Lucifer would be devestated. Despite his earlier anger at the wedding, he loved Micah. He would never let him go.

Yet, I found myself nodding. "Of... Of course, my queen."

Micah stiffened, turning to me with an anger in his eyes I'd never seen before. "Don't call me that."

That was my evidence that he'd heard everything. He turned away again and spoke quietly. "D-don't... Don't tell Lucifer. I don't want him to know I'm leaving."

I swallowed the guilt that rose up for both Micah and Lucifer. If I hadn't told Micah about a wedding, none of this would have happened. And now Lucifer is about to lose his first love because of me. "I'm going to pack. I'll let you know when I'm ready."

Truthfully, I knew Micah wasn't going to pack. The only clothes he owned from Earth were the ones he had on the day I took him, and I know he isn't going to take the clothes I have for him here. Instead, I figure he was going to go and mope or cry, or say goodbye to everyone. Maybe not the last one, but he might be saying goodbye to the castle itself.


Micah returned from wherever it was he had gone, his eyes set in a determined stare. I could see the sadness behind them, though. He had changed into the same clothes he was wearing the day he came here, and I took him to the edge of the castle boundaries; right where we had landed when he arrived.

Micah's chest heaved with unshed tears while he looked at the familiar landscape. He closed his eyes and turned, glancing back at the castle quietly. My gaze remained on him, the overwhelming urge to pull him back into the castle screaming in my mind. Even if I'd opposed the idea before, now I wished for nothing more than to see Micah stay with Lord Lucifer.

He turned back to me, snapping me out of my daze when he tugged on my cloak. "Okay..." He said softly. "I'm ready to go."

I knew Lucifer was not watching, his usual bath time right about now. I spread my wings, Micah looking over them and trying to hide his interest. I could have shown them to him before. He just never asked. It was too late now anyway. I put my arms around his waist, shooting up and carrying him over the gateway.

His eyes remained on the ground, watching Hell fall farther out of sight. Eventually, the bright blue skies of Earth appeared around us, both of us squinting in the unusual light. Micah would have a hard time adjusting after so long in Hell.

Finally, we landed, right back in his backyard, right at the same spot he'd been standing before he left. As if nothing ever happened. Micah pulled away, looking around in awe. I spread my hand. "Welcome back to Earth."

He gave a weak smile and I took off. I glanced down every so often, hoping Micah would change his mind. But he went inside, and I sighed. Maybe it would be better if nothing had happened. Maybe then none of us would have to feel such pain. Because even demons can experience heartbreak.

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