Chapter 14

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"Violet!" Lily snapped her fingers in front of my face. I blinked rapidly, my eyes shifting to her.


"Did you hear any of that?" she sighed. I shook my head guiltily, shifting in my chair.

"Sorry, Lils," I muttered. "Just a bit distracted." My eyes drifted back to the group of girls shooting death glares in my direction on the other side of the library.

If there's one thing Hogwarts is famous for, it's how fast news spreads throughout the school. The (totally false) story of Sirius and my kiss was spreading like wildfire, and along with that came the threatening stares of every girl in the entire school. Sirius had managed to charm all of them, except the one they all thought had won their "prize" - in other words, me. It was all completely ridiculous, but I couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

Another thing was my incredibly frustrating habit of avoiding anyone I didn't want to talk to, and at the moment that person was Remus Lupin. I had decided that even if Sirius' claims about his feelings for me were right, I wasn't going to believe them, but I still did my best not to run into him (or any of the other boys for that matter) in the next little while.

"Come on. You're not being productive and neither am I; let's just go," Lily snapped me out of my daydream and began to pack up her books, shooting a glare at the girls I had been staring at. I hurried to do the same, following her out of the library.


As much as I tried to avoid the Marauders, the January full moon was fast approaching, and I would surely have to talk to them before that night. My predictions were correct as I walked down the hallway to Transfiguration, and felt a yank on my arm from the side. I hit my head sharply on the doorframe as I was dragged into yet another broom cupboard, and I let out a yelp as the door shut behind me.

"OW-" Someone clamped a hand over my mouth, and I rolled my eyes as my attacker raised his lit wand.

"Shut up, Vi, do you want to attract any more attention to us?" Sirius sighed, slowly taking his hand away from my mouth.

"You know you could just talk to me like normal people do," I couldn't help but laugh slightly.

"Well, I'm not 'normal people', am I?" he smirked. "I needed to get you away from Lily. It's the full moon tonight."

"Yes, I know," I answered incredulously. "Since this has become a part of my routine I do tend to write them into my calendar. A little red circle with 'FULL MOON' written over it. None of my roommates question it." It was my turn to smirk as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Whatever. Remember how we mentioned last time that Remus gets moody in the day? Well, he's not feeling great today. I just went to check on him in our dorm, but could you drop in later today? Make sure he's alright?"

"Of course," I sighed. Why did my life seem to revolve around these boys now?

"You're a legend, you know that?" he grinned, and I smiled.

"Yes. Now, come on, this didn't end well last time." I shoved open the door and blinked in the sudden flood of light.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he answered innocently, getting a laugh out of me as we ran to class and made it just on time before Professor McGonagall strolled in.

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