Chapter 15

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A/N: I hope it makes sense that italics is a flashback and the rest is the present!


"Well," I began, bundling my hair into my hand to squeeze out the excessive amount of water, "that was disastrous."

"I'm sorry to say I agree," Remus laughed, pulling off his soaking coat. "As far as first dates go, that could have been a lot better."

"Go on a lot of first dates?" I asked, ignoring the glares we were receiving from Filch as we created puddles on the Entrance Hall floor.

"You'd be surprised," he chuckled, looking down at me. "In my defence, the first part wasn't half bad."

"No, I can safely say that the first part of our date went very well," I smiled up at him.

I sat at the table I'd reserved at The Three Broomsticks, tapping my foot against the leg of the table. It was a few minutes until ten, and I had been waiting for at least five minutes. At last, Remus strolled in, wearing a large coat and a beanie that covered his (most likely messy) hair. He spotted me and smiled, walking over and sitting down in the seat across from me. 

"Hey," he greeted, and I smiled in response.


"You look nice," he commented, and I laughed slightly.

"You're supposed to say that. You're my date." I'd thrown together my outfit pretty quickly, though had actually made an effort to look nice. It was a date, after all. I was wearing jeans and a striped top, with ankle boots and my favourite coat with lots of pockets. I'd left my dark  brown hair out, and had brushed it for once.

"Well, you do."

"Thanks, Remus." There was silence for a moment. The situation was slightly awkward since the night of the full moon I had found out that James had asked me out on behalf of Remus, without actually gaining Remus' consent. Remus assured me he still wanted to go on a date, but it still felt strange to know he hadn't really planned on this happening for a while longer.

"Shall we order drinks?" He broke the silence, and I was grateful for it. 

"Of course. Just Butterbeer, I'm guessing?"

"Always," he grinned, and I called Madam Rosmerta over to take our orders.

"Shall we go back up to the Common Room?" Remus asked, squeezing out his wet coat and shooting an apologetic look towards Filch. Such a prefect, that boy. "I think Prongs wanted us to find them after we came back."

"Sure," I smiled, letting him take my hand in his as we began the hike back to the Common Room.  It seemed so much longer when we were wet and cold.

"I had a lot of fun today, Vi," he said. "Even though it went a bit wrong," he laughed, and I nodded.

"I had fun too, Remus. And at least we'll know what to do if it happens again next time."

"Next time?" He looked down at me hopefully, and I laughed.

"Maybe if you ask nicely." We reached the portrait hole, but before Remus could say the password, I stopped him. "I think I'll go and find Lily in the library. I don't particularly feel like talking to Sirius right now," I shrugged sheepishly, and Remus frowned.

"Is everything alright between you two? You seemed a bit... put out after talking to him today."

There was no way Remus could know what Sirius and I discussed in the Three Broomsticks. "Everything's fine," I smiled.

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