Chapter 19: Yakety Yak

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Izzy raced blindly down the stairs. Rita had died. No! It couldn't be. She'd just seen her the night before. She'd looked weak, but not at all near death. Sister Mary Thomas's booming voice stopped her halfway down. Her eyes flew to the landing where Gloria stood, the red faced nun blocking her path.

"Turn around and return to your room," Sister Mary Thomas spat at Gloria, her eyes bulging. "You know the rules. No fraternizing. I've told you before, you're not here to make friends."

Izzy could see the back of Gloria's head bob as she spoke. "I'm not leaving until you've told me she's alright. I need to know." The defiant girl's hands flew to her hips.

Sister Mary Thomas turned an impossible shade of red. She gritted her teeth, her jaw forming a sharp line. "Enough," she growled. "I've had enough of your childish disobedience. Return to your room at once!"

"I'm not leaving! Tell me if she's alright!" screamed Gloria, her outburst nearly causing Izzy to fall over on her rear. Izzy grasped the railing for support as she gawked down at the two.

"I said—enough!" The nun's thick hand flew out, slapping Gloria across the face, causing her to tilt over to the side, her hands flying over her cheeks.

She sprung back up, her hands in fists. "You! You are a horrible witch!"

Hissing, Sister Mary Thomas grabbed her by the arm, spinning her around to face the stairway. "You ungrateful little devil," she said, in a gravely voice that sounded like the devil himself. "Do you realize that you're here on charity? Your mother is a penniless whore. She couldn't even scrounge up enough money to send you here. That is, if she'd cared in the first place." Her eyes flashed. Still gripping her arm, she shook it for emphasis. "Did she mention that you'll be here for six additional months after the birth, to pay back the debt you've accrued?"

Gloria went stiff.

"So, you didn't know," the nun said with a nasty grin. She let go over her arm, shooting a look up the stairway.

Izzy crept backwards, but it was too late. The nun's eyes caught hold of her. "You," she hissed.

Izzy turned and took off at lightning speed back towards the room.

Gloria returned a few minutes later, her expression blank as she flung open the door. From where she stood at the dresser, Francine jerked around, a gray dress draped over her arm, eying Gloria warily. Izzy could only imagine what was going through Francine's mind. She could remember her first day, the feeling of hopelessness and disbelief she'd carried with her when she'd first stepped into that room. Although it had only been a few short weeks ago, it seemed like forever. She jumped as Gloria slammed the door behind her, the hollow bang seeming to rock the entire building.

"Gloria," Izzy said. "It's alright." She reached in her pocket, pulling out the small piece of paper Mara had given her. "We'll get a chance to see her tonight, remember?"

Gloria strode purposefully to her dresser, flinging it open. "I'll be gone by tonight," she said.

"You're not thinking straight," Izzy said, watching her, a frown on her face.

"You heard that old witch," Gloria spat. "She means to keep me in this living hell for six months longer than anyone else. I won't spend one more day here." Her green eyes shone with tears.

"Gloria," Izzy said. "There's nowhere else to go. Believe me, I've considered it myself, several times before."

Gloria lifted her chin indignantly. "Maybe there's nowhere else for you to go," she said. "But I've got my Billy waiting for me at home. He'll take me. Me and the baby." She tossed her blonde curls over her shoulder. "We'll make a perfect family."

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