Chapter Thirty: I Forgot to Remember to Forget

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The welcome darkness was brief, and Izzy found herself shooting back to consciousness, driven by the unrelenting pressure in her pelvic area.

She came to gasping for air, her hands flailing about for something to hold. Everything was a blur. The room was tilting and she was struggling with the urge to vomit. She couldn't make out their faces, but she knew Mara and the doctor hovered above her.

The pain wouldn't stop. An involuntary scream escaped her mouth, her eyes wide with fear. It felt as if her lower body was ripping lengthwise. She was going to die.

"Call my mother and father...please!" she gasped. She wanted to see them, or at least hear their voices again before she died.

But the pain was so excruciating, she considered dying quickly to end it all, with or without her parents.

They will be devastated when they learn of my untimely death, she thought. They'll regret the day they sent me to this dreadful place.

Perhaps Donnie would feel guilty, knowing she died having his baby. While he went off to college and led a regular life, her fate would be sealed in that colorless delivery room.

A flash of anger burned at the edges of the horrible pain. It didn't last long. All she could think was that she loved her family and she wanted to go home.

"Get her under control," the doctor fired at Mara, his hands gripping tightly onto her thrashing legs.

"Izzy." Mara's face was in front of hers. She gently gripped her wrists to calm her swinging arms. "The worst is almost over, Izzy. You're almost there."

"No!" screamed Izzy. "No! I don't want to die Mara! I want to go home! I just want to go home!"

"Izzy, look at me." Mara's eyes glimmered with empathy, but her expression was one of determination. "You're not going to die. Everything is going as it should. It will be over soon."

"It's time to push," said the doctor.

"Izzy, listen to me. When you feel tightening, push down against the pressure," said Mara, her eyes holding Izzy's. "You can do this Izzy."

As if on cue, Izzy's stomach tightened.

"Now push," ordered Mara.

"Agh!!" Izzy pushed against the horrible, gut wrenching pain until the whole area in between her legs burned.

The thought hit her, if she survived she'd be horribly disfigured. No man would ever want her. It would be impossible to hide the fact that she'd given birth. Life would never return to normal, not for her.

"Good. Well done Izzy," Mara said, wiping the sweat from Izzy's forehead with a towel. "Catch your breath, and then start again."

"How long," Izzy cried. "How long will this last?"

"Not much longer, now push," Mara answered.

The stabbing, burning pain multiplied and Izzy found herself on the edge of consciousness again. "I can't," she breathed.

"She'll need an incision," the doctor said. "The head is stuck."

"Hold tight to my hand," said Mara, leaning forward.

An incision? Izzy thought, her blood running cold. "What is he going to do to me?" she asked Mara, her hand shaking uncontrollably in hers.

Her entire body went into spasms. Her teeth chattered together like she was without a coat in a blizzard. She felt she was hanging on the edge of sanity. If she fell she may never return.

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