Chapter Eleven

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Note: no editing has been done to this chapter.


Chapter Eleven

Eva's mouth was agape as she looked into Palo's intense eyes, the way he looked at her was accusing; that accusing look upon his face made the words in the back of her throat get clogged and her palms start to sweat. Why was she so nervous about this particular situation? They were two adults who both knew fully well the consequence of unprotected sex.

"Well are you pregnant or not?" Palo's brother asked when she failed to respond to the question, afterwards he took a bite of his apple and casually leaned against the kitchen island as though all was forgotten.

Palo momentarily turned his attention towards his brother, "You... get the fuck out of my house."

Andino raised his eyebrows and shrugged his wide shoulders whilst tossing the half eaten apple in the trash, "You and I still have business we need to attend to little brother, but as you're busy I suppose I'll stop by later?"

"Just get the fuck out."

"Touchy, touchy." Andino teased as he began making his way out of kitchen.

Once the man's presence completely disappeared Palo made slow cautious steps towards a trembling Eva, "Is this why you called things off with me Tesoro? Were you going to hide my own fucking kid from me?"

"N-n-no, no Palo I would never do something like that." This wasn't entirely true, she had thought about doing that if things with Palo got any more dangerous. That was all out the window now; if he'd never let her go before he would really never let her go now.

"So when were you going to tell me huh? How long have you known? How many months are you?"

"I-I was going to tell you eventually-"


"Yes, you have to understand that I-"

"There is nothing for me to understand! Do you not trust me?"

Eva was flustered by his not allowing her to defend herself, "Have you really ever given me reason to? What do I really know about your personal life? LOOK at what just happened to me Palo!"

Palo knew she had a point, the bruising on her face was reason enough for her to stay far away from his messed up life. His intentions had always been to keep her away from his personal life. He didn't want her innocent and sweet nature to be tainted by his lifestyle. In his twenty five years of living he'd never met someone quite as genuine as her. He didn't want her to become manipulative, sneaky, and vicious like the women he'd grown up around. His lifestyle tend to force women to behave this way as a natural defense mechanism. That was all too late to hope for though, if she was carrying a Govani especially his child he would never let go of her and his family would never allow this child to not know of its heritage.

"Have I ever given you reason to believe I would not care for you Tesoro? Have I not always made it clear that with me you'll never have to want for anything?"

Eva was on the verge of stomping around like an insolent child. Palo had to understand her point of view, "Being a parent is not all about money Palo! You have been avoiding a relationship with me why would I assume you were ready for parenthood?"

"I've always told you I want children."

Eva threw her hands in the air in frustration; talking to Palo was as good as talking to a brick wall.

"But not with me Palo. You've never expressed the want for children with me, why would I just spring this on you?"

"Because it's my baby damn it, that's why! What if I missed out on my child's life because of you, huh?"

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